A Conversation for The Rolling Rock Ranch

The Badlands

Post 281

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

Blue Bear (muffled) - I'll frisk him.

*Something under the the leggings appears to be climbing up A Man Called Jello's leg.*

He took my doggie!

The Badlands

Post 282

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

Carmelsmiley - bunny Oh, dear, this my take some time, he's very thorough. Could I have a small cup of tea, 5 lumps please, and do we have chocolate cookies?

Tidbit - Mooffle, fner fner fnoof? (If we don't get BeeBee back do you think we can get a puppie?)

The Badlands

Post 283


*rummages fora small cup and sugar lumps*

Here is your smiley - tea, Carmel smiley - bunny.

I'll have a look to see of we have any smiley - choc cookies, left.

The Badlands

Post 284

Dizzy the Void

[X bumps into Billy]

[X] 'Scuse me ...

[follows DwJ]

The Badlands

Post 285

Dances with Jellos

~deep inside the cave many hundreds of feet and many twists and turns from the entrance~

*There is kind of shuffling sound made when someone is carfeully moving in pabsolute darkness followed by the sound that is made when a step is made into a void*

Aaaaaaaarrrggghhhhhhh ..................

*There is the sound of silence*

The Badlands

Post 286

Dizzy the Void

[X follows the smiley - footprints, which stop at the end of a ledge.]

[X] Hmm.

The Badlands

Post 287

Dances with Jellos

The Badlands

Post 288

Dizzy the Void

[X] Hmm.

[He extends the range of the sensor to see if the jello survived.]

The Badlands

Post 289


*Munchkin rides up, looking a tad sheepish*
Erm, yes, hello all, err, sorry for missing the action, what, but I went behind a bush and somewhat lost track of time. Any old shoes, glad to see you seem to have come out of things okay.
I say, whose, the prisoner fellow, looks remarkably like someone I once met at Henley?

The Badlands

Post 290

Dizzy the Void


The Badlands

Post 291

Jello Wolf

~At the far end of a maze of twisty passages, all alike.~

*Jello wolf emerges from a passage into a small cavern. At the far side of the cavern is a heavy metal door, guarded by tall green figure with a big black gun. Jello wolf strides across the room and exchanges a few words with the guard, who knocks on the door. A small panel in the door opens and a green face peers through. The guard says something to the inside guard and the small panel closes. Various unlocking-type sounds are heard, then the door swings inwards and Jello Wolf steps through. The door closes behind him and various locking-type sounds are heard.

Jello wolf strides forwards and finds himself here:

The Badlands

Post 292

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello


Munchers ... is that really you ? Weren't we in the Old Harrumphians Coxless Coxes together at one point old boy, what ?

Coming to think about it, I do recall being in the Guffaw House 3rd XI Tiddlywinkers with you when we were shamefully defeated by an Old Menopausal school scratch side.

You recall the occasion surely - we went down to a disputed decision when at the bottom of the ninth innings with all bases loaded Strangely-Brown unfortunately decided to tiddle when he clearly should have winked smiley - sadface. A terrible decision in hindsight .... I believe his skull still decorates the old school flagpole you know.

I rather thought you'd bought it at Rourkes Drift for some reason but good to see you fit and well. Splendid !

The Badlands

Post 293


Rourke's Drift? No, I'd just nipped into the hospital for a sniff of the brandy and next thing I know its the morning and everything has calmed down. No idea.
Hmmm, coxless coxes ... hang about a mo' weren't you the bleeder who tried to throw the Upper Sixth Masters v. Boys Match for that betting syndicate? I always thought you were a rum one, but I never expected to see you out here with this lot.

The Badlands

Post 294


Ha! You see? I knew he was no gent!

*gives AMCJ a Paddington stare*

The Badlands

Post 295

Witty Moniker

*Keeps her nano-gun aimed at the jello, regardless of his relationship with Munchkin.*


The Badlands

Post 296

Dizzy the Void

[X retraces his steps and makes his way back to the posse]

The Badlands

Post 297

Garius Lupus

Mind if I have seconds on the steak?

*Helps himself and goes and sits on a rock. Pulls a bottle out of his saddlebag.*

Anyone care for a drop of Merlot?

The Badlands

Post 298

Dizzy the Void

[X] [arriving] A drop of what?

The Badlands

Post 299

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

Splendid old boy - don't mind if I do what.

You chaps are rather well equiped for life out here on the old plain. Came out here myself after that incident with Lord Melchett's aide-de-camp and fell in with the Apachello's. That was seven years ago and I was having a tip-top time till last week.

Top bunch the Apachello's - awfully sad you had to go and kill em all what. Not terribly sporting of you.

The Badlands

Post 300

Witty Moniker

Garius, you may pass that bottle to anyone ~except~ the prisoner. Beneath that cultured veneer lies one nasty weasel. I don't think we are violating the Geneva Convention if we withold the merlot.

Remember, we've got to get Bee Bee back.

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