A Conversation for How to Fake an English Accent in a Chatroom
Primord Started conversation Jun 22, 2002
actually-I find the comment about Scots people really quite offensive-I suggest that it is dropped.
I don't think anyone of a different nationality should be treated in this way-either in life or on h2g2.
Jimmy "The Fish" O'Conner Posted Jun 22, 2002
I've considered dropping this line, but have actually recieved some of the best compliments on it. I find it to be quite funny and do not feel it is truly an insult to the Scottish people. I am not a racsist, and do not feel this way personally about any race, and I feel the article makes this quite clear. All I can offer you are my apologies, because unless I recieve a flood of comments saying it should be out, I will keep it.
Primord Posted Jun 23, 2002
well that is your decision-but I still do not see how anyone can not see this as racism-perhaps
you have not had the type of experience I have had.
Jimmy "The Fish" O'Conner Posted Jun 23, 2002
The whole peice is of a satirical style. If you take this seriously, then you would have to take the whole thing seriously. Its making fun of stereotypes the whole time, and is a lot rougher on the English than on Scots. The style clearly dictates it as not to be racist, and, though I can see how some MAY take it seriously, I do not personally see it this way, nor does anyone else who has read it.
Jimmy "The Fish" O'Conner Posted Jun 23, 2002
By the way, I am almost positive that I have not had the experiences you have, but if I had, I believe I still would have included it. Satire is one of the best ways to oppose a problem, and I would have been even rougher still. Read Swift's "Modest Proposal" and see what I mean. This is not biting political satire, but is satirical, none the less.
Primord Posted Jun 24, 2002
yep-but like I said on the other thread-some people just use that sort of thing as an excuse! I just don't think your entry needs that line.
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