The Tuc Fortuneswell Memorial
Created | Updated Jun 16, 2002

Welcome to the ACF memorial to Tuc. Please respect the request for silence and decorum around the memorial and it's environs which honour a much missed comrade in arms.
The Memorial 
Inside the Dog House adjacent to the Barracks can be seen the Memorial to Tuc Fortuneswell who was prematurely taken away from the ACF in April 2002. The memorial is carved from Scottish Highland granite and is in the shape of an obelisk. The memorial has bronze plates affixed to its sides provided respectively by the ACF, The Potato Army, the Squidges, Tuc's family and the Hootoo Pirates. The plates were cast at the nearby ACF armoury and are engraved with the details of Tuc's life and his achievements.
If you peer very closely at the inscriptions you will see the following information.
The Obelisk is set on a four stepped plinth of honey-hued limestome around which is carved in bas-relief the words "In Memory of a Valiant Comrade"
In the small but perfectly kept garden around the memorial, is a contemplation pool containing water gathered from each of the seven seas. In the middle of the pool burns an everlasting flame symbolising that the memory of Tuc shall never fade. The garden is a haven of tranquility in the middle of the bustling ACF Headquarters
The Memorial is attended at all times by an ACF honour guard in full dress uniform and it is considered a high honour amongst ACF Troopers to stand guard there.
Service Record 
Tuc joined the Anti Cat Federation on 22nd August 2001, requesting, and subsequently receiving, command of the ACF Pooper Scooper. Tuc fought with distinction in the Cat War most notably providing meritorious service alongside Busterbone in a desperate rearguard action protecting an ACF snatch squad who had just abducted Arlechinno.
The action was a success although a great deal of ACF hardware (including the Mongrel Mecha) was sacrificed in the process.
Tuc's duties have been reassigned to Dax and a gold plated pooper scooper has been presented to her by Cybercat on behalf of the ACF. Engraved on the back are these words "Dax's Pooper Scooper" and a warning that "Any Cat touching it will instantly liquify into a horrible green smelly slime".
The Book of Rememberance 
The Book of Rememberance lies open at the foot of the memorial protected by a clear crystal case. The Book has been signed by Abi, Alectrician, Anna, Archangel Kes, Ashley, Avenging Washcloth, Bassman, Bumblebee, Caerwyn, Cheesecakethulhu, Cybercat, Demon Drawer, Floh, Galaxy Babe, Galen, Granny Weatherwax, Hati, Lady Scott, Lighthouse Girl, Mystrunner, Njan, Paul H, Plato, Pheloxi, Rambling, Red Dog, Sam, sea, Sergeant Mushroom, Smilodon, Tabitca, Ugi, Uncle Heavy, Vulpix and Wargamer.
On the front of the Book in embossed gold leaf are the words originally given to us by the blessed DNA and uttered by Abi when hearing of Tuc's passing.
So long and thanks for all the joy you bought to your fellow Researchers here on h2g2 Tuc.