Old Drivers

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I am not being ageist here- by this title a refer to a group of drivers which can be any age. Usually however, they are of the age bracket 50+.
These are the Sunday drivers, the people just popping out to the golf club or to visit our Marge, who hasn't been the same since the operation.
They all seem to have the same car- a blue F reg metro, and they chugg along the country lanes at an average speed of 20mph. They either travel two to a car- a balding, grim looking man driving, with a be-permed women by his side- or singly- the permed women on her own.
They are often part of that other set of drivers; the caravaners.

Strangely their low speed does not seem to make them less erratic drivers, as they go around corners straddling the centre line. Neither are they considerate of other drivers- indeed they don't even seem aware of their existance, and drive along as they would when no-one else is around.

On moterways they are the ones being overtaken by the buses and articulated lorries, as they cruise along at 50mph.
These are the drivers who inform you they have never had an accident in their lives. What they don't mention is the number of frustrated drivers having accidents around them.

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