Posted: 30th May 2002
I'm not used to all this you know. I'd just got into the habit of sitting around on a Wednesday getting quietly drunk in a corner. But Shazz is off this week, no doubt doing something fun. But hey, she deserves it. So, it falls to me to help Greebo with getting this issue up. I have to admit that I'd forgotten how to do it.
Thanks to all our contributors who got their articles in to us early, we don't have shazz's almost unending patience, or her incredible editing skills. So we need time, and if I've had anything to do with it, expect spelling mistakes. In fact, a mention will go out next week to whoever can find the most spelling mistakes in this edition, you never know, there might not be any. Stick any you find in a forum off this page to prove you found them first.
Got to remember to congratulate Peregrin and Tinkerbell, if you want to know why, read Abi's column.
Now, was there anything else? Oh yes, it's a long weekend over here this weekend to celebrate the Queens Golden Jubilee, and we'd love to hear how everyone celebrates it. Me personally, I'm going to a beer festival in Ipswich.
Pastey |
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The Post Top Ten
Greeting Pop Pickers, this has nothing to do with music. Not this week at least. A new item for us, and long overdue, but get along to see what it's about and to have your say.
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Abi's Community Column
The world cup getting you down or is it the best thing to happen in the last four years? Only one of the topics that our dearest Community Editor from the Towers manages to encapsulate.
The Eurovision Thing
Love it, Hate it, or just get drunk in front of it playing Laugh Along with Terry. But what is it?
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The Post Wordsearch Twelve
Themed upon those graceful things that there aren't enough off. No, not English Cricketers Who Can Catch, Trees.
45 Words
Succinct history. Why did they never have this sort of thing when I was at school, would have saved an awful lot of tedious dredging through tedious text books.
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The h2g2 Post Recipe
A meal for four, perfect for when the In-Laws come round and you desperately need to try and convince them that contrary to their inherent beliefs, you are actually feeding their beloved offspring well.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Don't you just hate it when someone shouts that? Anyone, on with the announcements.
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