A Conversation for September 11th: The Real Story and The Shadow Government

The entry should not be here

Post 1

Digital redneck

This is the wrong forum for this kind of article. I have no problem with this person having such an irresponsible opinion, but I feel strongly that the guide is not the place for voicing it.

If you have some evidence that the US Government allowed the September 11 attacks to take place in order to implement a policy change then I am sure there are many people who would like to see it. This entry gives no such evidence. I feel strongly that the writer should withdraw it and resubmit something a little more within his sphere of actual knowledge.

The entry should not be here

Post 2


Completely Agree. Not what the guide is for. Take it somewhere else.....

The entry should not be here

Post 3


Couldn't disagree more with the objections - i'm not convinced by the entry but if someone wishes to pursue the topic then this very fact makes it legitimate. If one disagrees with the content of ANY entry then one should take the time to pen a rebuttal and let readers/researchers know why...

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