Digital Redneck --- High tec,with horse sense!
Technology is a strange and wonderful thing.
I have been surfing around h2g2 tonight, taking a look at the personal pages of many other members and trying to get a handle on what the average researcher has to say on his personal site. I do this not only out of genuine interest in what you all have to say but also as an attempt to work out what I should say here in mine. The general consensus seems to be a few variations on the following.
1.) I think its really keen that I have a place to post my personal thoughts and observations on h2g2.
2.) I don't actually have any.
3.) I just wrote this note to let you all know that I think it is really keen to have a place to post my thoughts and observations in the event that I should have any.
4.) Please feel free to drop me a note if you find my lack of personal thoughts in anyway interesting.
I mean no disrespect to those who have in fact posted their thoughts in their personal space and I have enjoyed reading them. My point is that I you are currently outnumbered by those who have not.
The conversation threads are rich in great ideas and well thought out arguments so I know that this forum is full to bursting with interesting people and opinions. I just think we should take a moment to put some of that thought into our personal spaces.
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Welcome or not? | Aug 6, 2002 |
Gee | Aug 5, 2002 |
Hello from your ACE... | Jul 10, 2002 |
Welcome to h2g2 | Jul 10, 2002 |
Digital redneck
Researcher U198211
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."