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Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) Started conversation Aug 4, 2002
You're quite the critical fellow, ain't ya? Man, you've got an acid keyboard.
What are you planning to write your first guide entry on? I want to be sure to read it.
Digital redneck Posted Aug 4, 2002
If I came off as needlessly critical or just rude I do apologize. It was not my intention to flame your article. The subject matter hit a nerve with me and I took ten years of frustration out on you. Please forgive. Your article was well written and I should have said so.
In fact, I should go back and say so in peer review.
Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) Posted Aug 5, 2002
I'm sorry, too. See my reply in Peer Review. It was the "time vs. complaints" thing that got me upset, I think. I guess I just was worried that I was getting people here mad and I really didn't want that. I got defensive.
Pals? I hope so.
I hope you write something about what you were talking about in the peer review section for the guide! (how the Fast Food Industry is declining.) That would justify those of us still in the trenches attempting to do our best and perhaps provide a wake-up call for those who are just coasting along.
If you want help from someone still in the trenches, let me know. I'd be glad to try mend a bridge. Meanwhile, I really *am* sick of picking up slack for co-workers with no industriousness.
God Bless,
PS: Do you forgive me, too?
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