Who is Tenaka?
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.
I can't remember who originally said it, but it's the favourite quote of one of my favourite authors, Raymond E Feist.
So who is Tenaka? I'm a man. In my twenties. I'm also researcher number 186694, so for those of you who like these: (4+1)*8+6/(9-6)=42. A better question would probably be what does Tenaka do with his life?
Hello my name is Tenaka and I'm an accountant.1

Their I said it and admitted it. You dont know how hard that was. Even worse than your bulk standard accountant, I'm an Auditor. That means I visit other peoples companies, and work out if they have made mistakes in the accounts.
I work for one of the big four, in London. I have, for some forgotten reason, specialised in the Insurance Industry, hence the subject matter of my first entry to the guide.
So what else do you do with your life?
Well, I suppose I should mention I'm engaged. We met when I was 15, she was 13, and we went to school together. We became close friends as a result of my dating her best friend2. I enjoy reading, especially fantasy, games (computer or otherwise), drinking (which seems to be a prerequisite for this site) and lots more besides. Oh yes, there was one thing else........Medieval Reenacting and the MSS
I am a member of the largest War of the Roses reenactment group in the country; the Medieval Siege Society. Approximately every other weekend between Easter and October we get dressed up in medieval clothes and visit en masse a castle/country park/etc and put on a living history exhibition and do fighting displays. To end the day we do a full on battle. The society has about 300 members, so this is NOT tournament fights as smaller groups do them. This is a full melee, with household blocks of swordsmen and billmen, archers, crossbowmen, trebuchet, rams and even cannon. Obviously we have to wear armour. If you want some idea of the weapons and armour we use look here.Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Feb 15, 2007 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Dec 13, 2004 |
Eric Bloodaxe | Nov 28, 2003 |
Eiríkr blóðøx | Sep 30, 2003 |
Howdy!!!! | Sep 24, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
So then. | No Posting | Mar 9, 2015 |
Oh poo. :( | No Posting | Jun 27, 2014 |
Bad enough when it's a dog, but a child!? | No Posting | Jun 22, 2014 |
What's happening to my empire? | No Posting | Jun 18, 2014 |
Puffed up with pride | No Posting | Jun 8, 2014 |
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