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Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Started conversation Sep 24, 2003
Well, I do find it quite strange that we have 2 major things in common.
1. Our favourite author - Feist!!!! YAY!!!!!
2. You work in a firm of do I!!! although I'm not an auditor...more of an office manager/monkey , you know, I'm the one doing all the running around and bottom wiping
Well, anyway - I commented on your Feist entry, but looking back on it, I think I came across quite harsh! It was by no means meant to come across that way....was just making suggestions.
Tenaka Posted Sep 24, 2003
Another slave to the Great God Accountancy.
Don't worry, you didn't offend I like good criticism and discussion of any articles I write otherwise I wont get any better. I took them how you meant it so there's nothing to forgive so .
Now pull up a chair, have a or
and some
or whatever. I would like to do a more in depth article on his books, but as theres so many I'm not sure I'd like to do it on my own. It would be to much work. I do however love his work. I'm reading Rise of a Merchant Prince AGAIN, as it is one of my favourites.
Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Sep 24, 2003
Well...I work for the Lesser God Accountancy....don't even work for a top 10 firm, never mind a top 4!!
*whispers* at least I know which door to come knocking on if I need a job down your way
I would also LOVE to do a write-up about the books. Wazzow is a very avid reader of him too.
Tenaka Posted Sep 24, 2003
*whispers* at least I know which door to come knocking on if I need a job down your way I'm only a lowly associate at the moment.
I'll head over to his place to have a look but if you're interested in doing a co-authored piece on his works, it'd happily organise it.
Also, have you ever been a member of the mailing list. REF actually posts to it and gets involved. It's is an amazing feeling to actually talk to your favourite author on a near daily basis on lots of subjects.
Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Sep 24, 2003
You'd have to travel a long way! Chester is where I'm working would be interesting to at least try could set something up if you like....
If we do, we'd need to sort out some points and split them between us and work on those points, swap them and read each others and comment. I think this would be the easiest way...
I haven't been on the mailing please!!!
Link to the Feistfans Mailing list
Tenaka Posted Sep 24, 2003
To subscribe to the Feistfans-L, send an email to [email protected] with the words...
SUBSCRIBE FEISTFANS-L the body of the message. Don't forget to substitute your name for .
I'll warn you though, it can get VERY busy on here sometimes in excess of 100 emails a day (no spam though from here which is a novelty!!)
I used to love it but cant be on it at the mo because of work.
I've got a page to do a joint one on: A1302247
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