A Conversation for September 11th: The Real Story and The Shadow Government

Opinion, Opinion, Opinion

Post 1

Tom Marvolo Riddle

My article on Idaho was reviewed as too opinionated for saying the state is boring. This entry seems to be serious. If this writer is in any position to know much about the shadow government, Ocellus would have the good sense to respect confidentiality. As it is, Ocellus is an uninformed source and knows no more about the shadow government than the rest of us. In short:


Opinion, Opinion, Opinion

Post 2

Researcher 194720

Why is this news?

Surely some form of continuity of Government is a *good* idea? As for the CIA and Mossad 'letting' Sep-11; two words. Absolute rubbish.

Opinion, Opinion, Opinion

Post 3

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)


Which branch of the government does the writer of this report to smiley - laugh

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