A Conversation for Sarcasm

Sarcasm rules

Post 61



Sarcasm rules

Post 62


Sarcasm is not the lowest form of wit, Jim Davidson is.

Sarcasm rules

Post 63


Ain't that the real truth! "It's only a game boys". What sterling wisdom. How we can al learn from it.

Sarcasm rules

Post 64

Evil Giraffe

Your sarcastic reply was lightning fast and wholly original. Well done.

Sarcasm rules

Post 65

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

It seems we have a scorch of dragons ganging up. I will have to get a coven of witches to help me out.

Sarcasm rules

Post 66

Grey Area

Last week, in the Post Office, an American lady and her enormous daughter were buying postal requisites (tttttts). She told the counter clerk she wanted to send some cards to Plymouth, and was that in England. The clerk replied that it was. Then the woman said she wanted to send soma cards to California. The clerk, with a dead straight face asked her if that was in America. The woman said yes, and missed it completely.
I have a reputation for being sarcastic, to the point of making people cry at work. I never intend to hurt them, I'm only playing with them, but they still get upset. I find that it's a spontaneous thing, someone says something to me and the reply just pops into my head, and unfortunately flies straight out through my mouth.

Sarcasm rules

Post 67

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Ripping yarn Grey Area. I find handing them tissues when they start crying adds confusion to the tears and frustration

Sarcasm rules

Post 68


Anyone care to participate in a survey? It's REALLY interesting, honest. (Ah, the wonders of sarcasm.) Visit my h2g2 homepage for more information. Alternatively, go out and kill Jeremy Beadle. It has much the same effect.

Sarcasm rules

Post 69

mrs. slartibartfast

who's jim davidson? who's jeremy beadle? what's a gregglis? oh good gracious , where am i? someone get me a tissue!!!!

Sarcasm rules

Post 70

Grey Area

Mrs Slartibartfast, they are arseholes. Mr Loonytunes, I've tried being nice, honest I have, but handing out tissues seems to be viewed as some kind of sexual assualt.

Sarcasm rules

Post 71

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Keep a straightface while winking at other people. Make soothing noises and invent emergencies you need to attend immediately. The effort is worth it. Next company gathering, drinks after work, whatever, they invariably adore you and buy drinks for you

Sarcasm rules

Post 72

Grey Area

No, they don't.

Sarcasm rules

Post 73

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Admittedly you have have to do a bit of grovelling first. Turn it into a game. Take bets with your friends about how long before she buys, or gets, you a drink.

Sarcasm rules

Post 74

Grey Area

Sorry, no point. They DON'T.

And I don't go drinking with people from work. It's bad enough being there all day, without socialising with them, and watching them band together in their little cliques. And I'm not just saying that because I'm excluded. Oh no.

Sarcasm rules

Post 75

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Starts a new clicky Café. Calls it the Large Grey Chippie, Children's play area out the back

Sarcasm rules

Post 76

Grey Area

The only way I would have a childrens play area, is if it is liberally salted with anti-personnel mines. With piranhas in the ornamental pool. And the climbing frame wired to the National Grid.

Sarcasm rules

Post 77

Cheerful Dragon

Ye Gods! Could it be that I have at last found some one who dislikes (hates?) children as much as my husband does? The main reason why we don't have any children is that he doesn't like them and doesn't want any. However, he has said that if this starts to give me mental problems (I go round kidnapping babies, for example) he MIGHT re-consider!

Sarcasm rules

Post 78

Grey Area

I really like children, but I couldn't eat a whole one. I'd probably like any children of my own, it's everyone elses kids that are the problem. For example, next doors kid has spent the last 3 days hammering on a cricket bat in the back garden, for no obvious purpose...

Sarcasm rules

Post 79


Perhaps he's trying to make a weapon.

Sarcasm rules

Post 80

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Ankle biters, rug rats, carpet clutchers - all vermin

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