Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

The Official h2g2 Winter 2002 Party has plenty of coverage elsewhere in The Post this week. Check out Party and Abi's Community Column
Danish Meet-up
Our friends in Denmark are starting planning early for a proposed meet in Spring 2002! Visit the sign up thread or introduce yourself at the newly created Scandinavian Researchers Club.
New Help With GuideML
Attention all Researchers interested in or developing GuideML editing
software of any kind: the GuideML Editor Writers'
Caffeine Machine is now open for business. The aim is to provide
a central location for discussion, help and collaboration among GuideML
editor writers, with the intention of improving all GuideML editors
across the world.
Special Sites at this time
purplejenny has set up the People for Peace page.
a girl called Ben offers an insight into meditation on her The Loving Kindness Meditation page.
New Sites of Interest
Captain Venom is attempting to introduce new life into the old h2g2 Space Center. The Starpilot Hotel Space Station is a sparkling new venue affiliated to the original H2G2 Space Centre.
A new venture is proposed by a rather enigmatic new page and new researcher.
The 'Ask h2g2' Archivist is proposing to select and archive the best questions and answers which have featured in the Ask the h2g2 Community fora. Your help and imput is eagerly awaited!A new club has sprung up where you can add to an extremely long list of 'smileys' we would like in the guide. Strangely it can be found at TINARAIIDTCSPLYWWGAOWTCFLOS. You will have to visit to find out what that stands for!
The h2g2 staff have set up a central point for official h2g2 announcements. This can be reached by typing in 'Announcements' after the 'Guide/' section of the usual URL or by going to h2g2 Announcements.
The Post is pleased to introduce two new features.
The Post Page of Useful Links1 hopes to provide you with all the essential links you will need within h2g2.
The Post Page of h2g2 Clubs and Associations attempts to guide you to places of fun or interest. Please do check them out and let us know if we have missed any!
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.