A Conversation for The Great Temple
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Caper Plip's Shrine
Elentari Posted Nov 23, 2002
Mmmm....that'd be nice. I assume you'll be be using your divine powers to drop in on the Aussie Open during a gap in your busy schedule?
Caper Plip's Shrine
Elentari Posted Nov 23, 2002
Yeah, I know. Good name though (and all of the added bits are good too)
Caper Plip's Shrine
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Nov 23, 2002
yeah tis brill theres a lot more but i cant fit it all on
http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/A854895 read my story
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Caper Plip's Shrine
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