A Conversation for The Freedom From Faith Foundation

Life after death

Post 4741

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

lurking quantum strawberries
"How about the resonating these, some postings ago.
It more or less fits in all models, we only can not measure what is resonating.

Perhaps we do carry the souls/minds/spirits of our late beloved ones with us. Their current existance an extension of what their own brains generated currently supported by thoughts in our brains (whether consious about them or not).

Do elephants have souls?"

Life after death

Post 4742

badger party tony party green party

Yes four big ones the last time I looked.

smiley - rainbow

Life after death

Post 4743


smiley - groan


Life after death

Post 4744


Apropos of nothing in particular, here is a nice quote I read today:

"To give pleasure to a single heart by a single kind act is better than a thousand head-bowings in prayer."
-Saadi, poet (c. 1200 AD)


Life after death

Post 4745

Gone again

smiley - ok

Life after death

Post 4746

Lemon Blossom (aka Athena Albatross)


I think it can apply to behavioral ones--after all, they're determined by the characteristics of brain cells. I'm not an expert on this; I admit I may be off track.

Life after death

Post 4747

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Lear, I just contacted Professor Kreeft, re permission. It is permitted to email the article to friends, and this is (sort of) what I have done by posting it here... smiley - smiley

Life after death

Post 4748

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Man behind the desk
"Good to hear that!"

Life after death

Post 4749

Lear (the Unready)

Hmm. Does he know, though, that this is an open forum where his work is on public view, rather than just being privately circulated within an email group?

Anyway, I'm probably making a fuss about nothing. I do tend to get on my high-horse about copyright issues, for some reason or other. If he's happy about it, then fair enough.

He might be a little less ecstatic if he came along and saw that most of us don't exactly appear to hold his arguments in the highest esteem, but never mind... smiley - winkeye

Life after death

Post 4750

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I think from what I know of him, that he'd expect that... and be cool with it. It's just out there for comment.

Life after death

Post 4751

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time on his head "You did give him the link did you? Good day, 'Professor Peter Kreeft', probably your real life name. Some (selected) thoughts from an American Professor... The Case for Life After Death Professor Peter Kreeft: http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth28.html from external < http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/Plain/F80629?thread=155651&skip=4700&show=20#p5262489 > internal HooToo < F80629?thread=155651&skip=4700&show=20#p5262489 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright � 1995-2004 Leadership U. All rights reserved. This site is part of the Telling the Truth Project. Updated: 14 July 2002 I guess the last part raised the eye brows. One part is missing however (M) Email this to a friend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright � 1995-2004 Leadership U. All rights reserved. Anyway now this person will live in all of us forever? Even after he died? We < U228046 > experienced some resonances on the topic. "

Life after death

Post 4752

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, I did pretty much precisely that - but went to the main site, where there is a form for the purpose!

Life after death

Post 4753


smiley - zzz

Life after death

Post 4754


smiley - tickle


New member!

Post 4755

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Name: Ferrettbadger U234614

Chair title:
The Ayatollah of Rock & Roll-ah
Any beliefs you'd like to list so we can make fun- er... discuss them:

New member!

Post 4756


Ahah! Another member!

smiley - bubbly

New member!

Post 4757

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Cool.... I dunno why I have not joined before... I didn't have faith in the FFFF I suppose smiley - winkeye!

New member!

Post 4758


Err... I'm not sure you're supposed to have faith in the FFFF.

New member!

Post 4759

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

hence the smiley - winkeye

New member!

Post 4760

Gone again

I *believe* in the FFFF, will that do? smiley - winkeye
Welcome Ferrettbadger!


"Who cares, wins"

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