A Conversation for The Freedom From Faith Foundation

New member!

Post 4681

Noggin the Nog

Couldn't have put it better myself. smiley - ok


New member!

Post 4682

Noggin the Nog

Which was in reply to #4679, but as always when the intended meaning requires it to follow the previous post immediately someone managed to simulpost in between.


New member!

Post 4683


Hello LTP, hello all.

I find that, when posting to a list with someone who communicates in stream-of-consciousness, the best approach is to read their posts as if they are poetry, without expecting logical understanding, and then be pleasantly surprised if and when coherent and interesting ideas choose to surface from the flow. It happens more often than one might imagine.

LTP, I enjoy reading your posts, and the impressions I get from them. We are a rather logical and linear group here (in a sense...), which might not be your style, but you've almost certainly noticed that.

smiley - peacesign

New member!

Post 4684

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Cryptic Worm crawling by
"More often then not
If topic gets hot
The mind goes spinning
Letters swimming"

New member!

Post 4685

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Hi Az, sorry don't think there is a solution, trouble is spent almost all working life in
industries that consist to visual feedback, and spelling mistakes cannot be heard in vocal communication ,also my writeing would do any Dr proud.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spaceI totally agree i do mangle the English language , i doubt if even MIT or micro soft could come up with a reliable program to translate my posts into Chinese or any other language and make any sense .But if it gets you thinking aboutwhat
you had said, first then reread my post that may help.

smiley - spacesmiley - spaceThe point by the waysmiley - huhAz i was making with regard to the two posts you had yoked for not using the word f**k , fcuk or which ever other way you used it, was i had seen several example on Jim 's page when following the Icelandic saga.
(also believe was Ace or might have been sef,nb lurker "might")
This being without The asterisks, thus enforcing the general consensus at the time that its not the word that's offensive its the context that it is used. I also feel the topic is being steered away from main point.

Comeing back to my posts , most of the time when i post a reply i try and proof read it before i post it some times there are two or three posts between, i also try and visit or revisit the page of the user and read or lurk a few of the convo's and articles, so
that's one excuse for cryptic postssmiley - winkeye ,also i will try and clarify any point or expand on my thinking or explanation as to if it was tomatoe or tomateo smiley - ok
on or off site ,contact details are there ,cannot promise immediate response but will try

Get writeing contains most of my ledgable coherent more uderstandable writeings.

New member!

Post 4686


hi logicus smiley - smooch

All of my f**ks were simple adjectives in a couple of rather obscure 'personal' threads - ie, not general threads. Except for the one in the god thread, but that also was just an adjective - nothing nasty.

I'll have to finish reading the rest of your posting tomorrow as I have just come home from having tapas and rather a lot of smiley - redwine so you are making me even dizzier than usual. smiley - winkeye

buenas noches,


Post 4687


smiley - footprints Two days later! Where the heckity is everyone? smiley - footprints


let me guess - you all have REAL LIVES!!! smiley - winkeye

I have my doubts

Post 4688

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"I have my doubts about all of us having a real life.

I do have some evidence real life exists, but I also have evidence virtual life exists.

Real life is not more or less then an interpretation of your perception. Virtual life is a representation of information. What is the difference? "


Post 4689

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I am real in my virtual reality,to me life is virtual reality, interspaced by wakeing dreams, now if i could just seperate the two,
i might finish the sentencesmiley - bigeyes


Post 4690


The day you finish a sentence, logicus, I'll . . . I'll . . . I'll give you a ceegar! smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug



Post 4691

Gone again

<...now if i could just seperate the two,
i might finish the sentence>

smiley - laugh Our house motto is "be excellent to each other", and I haven't been as excellent to you as I could've been, LTP. smiley - sorry


"Who cares, wins"

God in science!

Post 4692

Gone again

It's too easy to get too serious about God! smiley - winkeye


I think you may have to register to read this, but it's free, and the magazine often has something worth reading....


"Who cares, wins"

God in science!

Post 4693

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I'll have a look when I get home! smiley - cat

God in science!

Post 4694


As King Crimson sang, loh these many years ago
"The rusted chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun
I walk a road, horizons change, the tournement's begun,
The pattern-master (Pattern-chaser? Meter still works!) lifts his hand,
the choir softly sing
To summon back the Fire-Witch to the Court of the Crimson King . . . "

What a wondrous song, especially as the chorus is just "Ahhhhhhhh Ahhhhh . . . (etc.)


God in science!

Post 4695

Gone again

They did! I saw them do it, once, in 1974. smiley - ok Hi Chantel! smiley - biggrin It was the pattern *juggler*, but you are quoting from the best rock band of all time, so I'll let you off! smiley - ok I'm going to see The Fripp on stage in June. Whoopee! smiley - biggrin

BTW, what have King Crimson to do with this thread? Not that it matters, but just to satisfy my curiosity.... smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"

God in science!

Post 4696

logicus tracticus philosophicus

King Crimson well it could be said they where anti god ,or a bad influence, buti would not say that, great band,my fave track from that time "a mothers lament" cream, but then again what "babies going down plugholes "has got to do with this thread, other than light relief ,(and a nice bit of overtime for a plumbersmiley - rofl

God in science!

Post 4697

Gone again

Anti-God? Well The Fripp certainly has an inflated opinion of himself, possibly even considering himself a God, but I don't think the anti-god thing is a well-known part of King Crimson folklore! smiley - winkeye Just the best progressive rock band of all, that's KC. smiley - ok

All of you know
that the girls of the road
been around
and are versed in the Truth....


"Who cares, wins"

God in science!

Post 4698

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Anti-God? By that I meant "the current thinking at that time" RE all rock bands, of that ilk ,whis'lt Peter Paul Mary, (pidgeon holed)as gospal singers(generly).But thats another topic of conversation.

Do we give more tollerence to "sinfull acts" when the "transgressor"
is a "populer entertainor" ?.

Will the lyrics of our current musical hereo's/idols be attributed to a offshoot of "pagenism/marxism" "christian/muslim" any other "ism" when rediscovered 3000 years from now.?

possibly interesting thread

Post 4699


This h2g2 thread might be of interest to some here:


possibly interesting thread

Post 4700


hi Dogster,

I've noticed that thread and am not sure that there isn't a wee sniff of troll about.


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