A Conversation for Discussions Relating to the Lifetime Ban of Silent Lucidity

Both Sides Now

Post 1

7rob7: Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)

(Sorry - I can't figure out where to put these other than off my chest...)

1. I did not know. Collusion on the part of FolKZ is a wrong-headed assumtion.

2. I began to suspect fairly early that SL was no newbie, for reasons confirmed elsewhere by others, but it didn't occur to me that s/he might be LeKZ.

3. As NBY has stated in the 'Don't Ban' thread (if I remember rightly), SL would probably have disappeared into the night once finished with their current objective.

4. While I have made no secret of my opinion of the original ban - which hasn't changed - this 'event' is not the way to go about getting that ban lifted and/or reconsidered. In fact, I fear it has delayed any (if any) possible such discussion.

5. I still consider myself a Friend of LeKZ, and if I can help prevent them sticking their fingers in the fire in the future, I will not hesitate.

Thanks for your indulgence.

-7_neither_fish_nor_foul_7 (smiley - winkeye)

Both Sides Now

Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Both Sides Now

Post 3

Martin Harper

I didn't know either. I did suspect that it was somebody with a connection - either a friend of someone involved, or an alter ego of someone on h2g2/n2g2/folkz. No idea who. The last time I had such a suspicion was of Lethe, and when I inquired s/he jumped down my throat with sufficient severity to put me off asking such questions in the future. So I kept quiet.

Whether SL would have dissappeared... look at the forum postings. They don't fit the profile of a researcher with only a single narrow objective.

Both Sides Now

Post 4

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

No, they don't. The Dogbert bits don't fit in with someone just seeking closure. They fit in with someone setting himself up as an expert in management and a fixer of systemic problems. hmmmmm....

Both Sides Now

Post 5

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I think the record quite clearly shows there was no collusion. Poor Barton was left with egg on his face. As for me, I'm feeling just a bit used right now, so I'm going to go lie down for a bit. Hopefully, my coworkers will have the consideration to step over me.

Both Sides Now

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*steps over CS*

I have a reply to Eeyore in the "Don't Ban" thread, but I won't post there.

I received a vitriolic email from LeKZ after she was banned - just because I tried to exercise my ACE duty and calm down a potentially explosive situation.
I shared this email with chosen friends, very carefully chosen, I might add.
These friends helped me deal with the verbal abuse; I did not want to get into direct communication with her myself as I suspected she was attention-seeking.
When she realized that she was wrong about me, she apologized "in a public place" {a place I was not subscribed} I was informed of this by other researchers here.
Then I received a "lovey-dovey" email, as if nothing had happened, and I was appauled.
I then blocked her email address.

I find it unacceptable to be ripped to shreds, a grudging apology and then to move on as if nothing has happened. Until the next time I stepped out of line.
I have seen her fall out with people before.
I watched her conversation with Hoovooloo, appauled.
Silent Lucidity would not be dissuaded that HVL is not a split personality.
SL insisted that he/she wanted to talk to "the other" - the one that was kind.

smiley - headhurts

This kind of behaviour, trying to persuade or insisting that others have personality disorders or mental health problems, is unacceptable.

smiley - tea

I accept that LeKZ is an exceptional human being.
My natural empathy weeps for the past that she endured.
smiley - cry

I was so taken in by her the first time around, that I *almost* gave up my son, because she advised me wrongly, about the prognosis of his condition.

I was practically hypnotized, I believe she has such a powerful personality, she cannot help herself.
She HAS to force her opinions on others.
She doesn't care about their opinion.
I do not believe she will ever change.
She is an attention-seeker, and has no doubt had a great feast at our expense.


Both Sides Now

Post 7

I'm not really here

Being beside AGB (virtually online) as she went through this, I can confirm this is all true, AGB was convinced she needed to institutionalise her 8 year old son *immediately*.
It was only through timely intervention by others that were reading the thread as well that saved AGB. And as I had also asked for advice from this woman, thinking she was so very helpful... smiley - yikes I am glad I didn't get it.

That this woman should be free on h2g2 to scare another women into thinking a child will grow up in the way she had AGB thinking terrifies me.

Both Sides Now

Post 8


Hear hear applause..smiley - hug
I said I would keep out of this but feel I have to re-iterate what I have said to several people. If we ignore this person and don't bite they will eventually go away...attention and descension is what they feed off...this sort of personality disorder also seeks revenge and splitting up people on h2g2 is a way to do that.
Since my report in my journal I have been left alone...perhaps I know too much or have too many connections this person wants to avoid.
we all help each other with advice here but no one should advise anyone to institutionalise their child or any other member of their family!

Both Sides Now

Post 9


smiley - rose

The more I read about this unfortunate person, the more intensely do I dislike the psychiatric/psychology industry

People who have emotional difficulties should be helped to relate to others positively. At least, they should be encouraged to develop personal insight, or, at minimum, strategies for learning self-control

It must be unpleasant: An irresistable pull to reach out and be a part of something you know is wonderful, conflicting with your self-destructive behaviour... which you know will ultimately reveal the deception..

Not a productive way to spend a life.

smiley - sadface

Both Sides Now

Post 10

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Appears to me what we have is ..failure ..to communicate.

The technique of learned self-loathing is well known as an Evangelical tool. Many h2g2 researchers have been swept up in this 'apparition' of LEKx by an appeal to their intellectual egos. And in the apparently safe environment of Lekxs absence, they have ventilated things they might never have said, if they knew she was listening. They then get caught up in the irresolvable dilema of instinctive hate/embarassment response versus learned good social behaviors and the fear of contradicting prior expressions. This results in internal conflict, feeling ..incompetent, indecisive and weak, while at the same time rife with emotional pulls, making them fall victim to this crude commando-style mind-control technique.
It is not the amateur 'psychologists' who should be blamed for simply trying to help. Rather the amateur 'brain washers' who have sytematically been trying to destroy the good will of this site for the past six months.

An insidious mind ...oh right, I can't say that word here.


Both Sides Now

Post 11

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

jwf, you're normally a well-spoken (or well-written, I suppose) and insightful individual who I enjoy engaging on this site. Every once in a while, though, I catch you talking out of your ass. This would be one of those moments.

1) There is no LeKZ personality cult.

2) If some people went too far in defending her, it is only out of a normal desire to protect one's friends.

3) The type of people who hang out in the folkz list are not people who could generally be categorized as weak, indecisive, or incompetent. If anything, some suffer from an excess of emotional strength. Think about how much moral courage and strength it took for Barton to directly challenge the authority figures here in the IP trace thread... then think about how much *more* it took for him to openly admit his mistake and apologize.

Let's not turn this into a character assassination of the entire group commonly referred to as the Small But Vocal Minority, eh? Each has acted according to their own principles, for their own reasons. Many don't even speak with LeKZ. Some openly dislike her. How is that consistent with your personality cult theory?


Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

This post has been removed.

Both Sides Now

Post 13


smiley - ermAn interesting, and somewhat sadder possibility ~jwf~
smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Both Sides Now

Post 14

Martin Harper

jwf - so you're saying that LeKZ is actually several seperate people working together? Or have I misread?

Both Sides Now

Post 15


For "talking out of your ass" (hee haw?) should we perhaps read "disagreeing with my world-view"?

Oh dear Colonel smiley - blue
I hate to have to say this but the excess isn't of emotional strength.
It's of hubris.

The type of people that think they are significantly brighter, and therefore in some intrinsic way "better", than everyone else, find it very difficult to admit that they could ever be taken in so they fight desperately to maintain their illusions.

They may not be weak, decisive or incompetent but they do suffer from the delusion that whatever their superior minds have judged to be the truth must necessarily be so, and conversely, if they do not know how to do something it must be impossible.

They are extremely vulnerable. Being overtly gifted can attract a great deal of hostility from "normal" people and create a gulf of loneliness and isolation.
Naturally they would flock to the defence of a misunderstood genius.

It takes moral courage and strength to openly challenge authority figures? Excuse me.
It takes arrogance and a belief in your own superiority.


So much for keeping out of this, but I couldn't let such a blatant misconstruction stand unopposed.
Off to do summat constructive now.
Enjoy contemplating your own navels kids smiley - kiss

Both Sides Now

Post 16

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Well, now that sounds like a refreshing voice of sanity, Tefcat. Pretty much bang in line with my own thinking on the point.
smiley - ale?
smiley - shark

Both Sides Now

Post 17

Martin Harper

Ahh - there's nothing like constructive dialogue, is there? smiley - smiley

Martin - Small But Navel-Contemplating Minority

Both Sides Now

Post 18

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - zen

Both Sides Now

Post 19

David Conway

As a side issue, it seems to me that LeKZ's *computer* has been banned from h2g2. I'll have to remember never to use IT to log on if my computer is down or I need to keep my telephone line free. Same goes for any visiting friends.


Both Sides Now

Post 20


Tefkat, why are you so hostile towards us?

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