A Conversation for Welcome to Monster University

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 1


I would like to enroll Ugrag The Gnasher in the Criminology Program. He is about nine feet tall, about three across, looking something like a troll/orc/ogre crossbreed. Green skin, rather dull, but with a friendly disposition when given something useful to do. He carries around a stout oak club which I at one point tried to remove from his possession, inheriting a fractured skull and a limp which I kept for a month and a half.

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 2

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Dancer runs the criminology dept, and he may be a while getting back to you. Give us a few days to get something togeather...

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 3


Ok, that's...

*aside* No! Bad!

...yeah, that's ok.


Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 4

Dancer (put your advert here)

Sorry for being late...

Criminology is a great fun, it is not fingerprints checking or anything, it is the study of the way h2g2 researches do the unlawfull things... there were days where people found ways to post URLs on conversations using BBC redirects and we criminologists just had to learn the way they think and be one step ahead...

It's nice to meet you Ugrag, you ave a great look for a criminologist, big, green(ish) and yet inconspicuous.

The first assignment will be to find 2 different U numbers that belong to the same researcher... Criminals like to hide themselves and find different identities...

smiley - hsif

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 5

Dancer (put your advert here)

Sorry for being late...

Criminology is a great fun, it is not fingerprints checking or anything, it is the study of the way h2g2 researches do the unlawfull things... there were days where people found ways to post URLs on conversations using BBC redirects and we criminologists just had to learn the way they think and be one step ahead...

It's nice to meet you Ugrag, you ave a great look for a criminologist, big, green(ish) and yet inconspicuous.

The first assignment will be to find 2 different U numbers that belong to the same researcher... Criminals like to hide themselves and find different identities...

smiley - hsif

smiley - hsif

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 6


(Urgrag) U numbr?


Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 7

Dancer (put your advert here)

A U number, also called a U123456 number, is the number that identifies a h2g2 researcher.

My U number is U126945. I have a couple more that I use for different purposes (one for being subscribed to Peer Review, and one that I use to ask stupid questions, and I don't want anyone to know I was the one who asked the stupid question ...)

Ottox (a well known researcher) has a couple of U numbers, and Nwit (who left us recently, again) has another one, Willem (who doesn't come so often anymore) used several and so on...

smiley - hsif

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 8


*stomps off in search of U numbers*

stomps back, and drops one.

(ugrag) Here: U187629 is too, U191727

*grins in a belated fashion*

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 9

Dancer (put your advert here)

How do you reakon that?

smiley - hsif

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 10


Ov-er heard it. *grins again*

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 11

Dancer (put your advert here)

Good, eavesdropping is a great way to get information smiley - smiley Good monster, because you were so good, you can have a trip to the psych ward and meet all the dangerous people there.

Talk to them abit, and try to say in the end which one of the people there is inclined to do wich types of crimes smiley - smiley

Psych Ward is at:

smiley - hsif

Ugrag the Gnasher

Post 12


*Walks back in, dragging two U numbers*

Here. U194127 is too U193834. Ugrag see, in-vest-ig-ate con-ver-sat-oins. *Grins*

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