The unofficial index for Greek Mythology

13 Conversations

The Official Index is now the up-to-date page.

So go there and ignore the bit below.

The official index is a bit uninformative at the moment so I've written a working index.

The articles

What I am intending to write

Where I, or anyone else, has actually written something, unless there's a nice Finished sign by it, assume it's a work in progress. And now for the disclaimer which will go by the official index as and when I start filling it in;

Before you start reading this project, the authors would like to mention that there are sometimes more than one version of most of the myths. This is partly because of poor documentaion and distortion through word of mouth, but also partly because the Ancient Greek empire lasted for well over a thousand years. Consequently, their culture and values changed somewhat over the years, and their myths evolved with them.

Please note the links carefully if you're intending to use them.

What U32948 is going to do

What U182827 is going to do

What U153746 is going to do

What U94986 is going to do

What U168712 is going to do

What U183832 is going to do

  • Some historical stuff

What U169011 is going to do

  • Something on the Delphi Oracle.

What U185287 is going to do

He's our subeditor so his job is to sort out are spelin and gramar and genrally prettify are entryssmiley - silly

What it would be helpful for other people to write

I'll do them if no one volunteers but it would be nice to have some different writing styles.

  • Heracles- taken
  • Odysseus- taken
  • Theseus- taken
  • Perseus- taken

After that, write about whatever you can. Maybe whole articles on specific Gods, especially interesting ones like Zeus or Apollo, or theories about things, or who knows what. If you feel able to help, please post below and say what you intend to do.


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