A Conversation for The Official h2g2 Winter 2002 Party
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Jan 11, 2002
Sounds like great Fun, except for the getting soaking wet in traditional stylee
Photo Scavenger Hunt
MaW Posted Jan 11, 2002
Getting wet's fine - as long as it's warm and you're prepared for it. It won't be warm and I won't be prepared for it, so for the meetup I think it's not okay.
Photo Scavenger Hunt
$u$ Posted Jan 12, 2002
Particularly for dancing ducks... just singing and dancing in the rain. *another essential smiley*
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jan 13, 2002
I'll do it...
*wonders what they're talking about and thinks she should stop being so enthused about random stuff*
No but you can ask Mr T I paddled in Bournemouth in November and stuff... oooh and swumish in North Scotland in ummm well admittedly summer but still...
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jan 13, 2002
Howdo MaW!
Hows it going?
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Jan 14, 2002
Wets fine, as is cold and wet, but only if
a) its nice and warm, or
b) you have a change of clothes, and some way to get dry....
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Jan 14, 2002
Yup I dropped out of uni And now I'm sooooooooo happy
Wait til you see the new improved extra bouncey version of me!!!
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Frankie Roberto Posted Jan 14, 2002
In progress (I'm a bit behind - as usual)
Photo Scavenger Hunt
MaW Posted Jan 15, 2002
Excellent, Tink, so you're coming to the meet then?
I have an exam this afternoon...
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Zak T Duck Posted Jan 15, 2002
Good luck MaW
Just got back from my second exam of the three this semester. I think I've got enough from it to walk away with a decent mark. Here's hoping .
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Photo Scavenger Hunt
- 61: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Jan 11, 2002)
- 62: MaW (Jan 11, 2002)
- 63: $u$ (Jan 12, 2002)
- 64: MaW (Jan 12, 2002)
- 65: $u$ (Jan 12, 2002)
- 66: MaW (Jan 12, 2002)
- 67: $u$ (Jan 13, 2002)
- 68: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jan 13, 2002)
- 69: MaW (Jan 13, 2002)
- 70: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jan 13, 2002)
- 71: MaW (Jan 14, 2002)
- 72: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Jan 14, 2002)
- 73: $u$ (Jan 14, 2002)
- 74: shazzPRME (Jan 14, 2002)
- 75: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Jan 14, 2002)
- 76: Clelba (Jan 14, 2002)
- 77: $u$ (Jan 14, 2002)
- 78: Frankie Roberto (Jan 14, 2002)
- 79: MaW (Jan 15, 2002)
- 80: Zak T Duck (Jan 15, 2002)
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