A Conversation for The Official h2g2 Winter 2002 Party
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Chris Tonks Posted Jan 8, 2002
I did consider the possibility... but then I'd be alone, oh so alone.
Grr, pedantic parents... Originally thought - when he first agreed to my going - that I'd be meeting you all for about an hour! Completely ignored me when I mentioned the scavenger hunt round London.
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jan 8, 2002
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jan 8, 2002
Unfortunately, it's for a very good reason... I'm in California...
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Chris Tonks Posted Jan 8, 2002
Well, I'll admit that I'm somewhat closer than that.
And yet, I've never been to an h2g2 meet-up before, despite being on same site for almost two years.
Photo Scavenger Hunt
MaW Posted Jan 8, 2002
It's a shame when parents object to letting you go to h2g2 meets. My first, I more or less told them I was going anyway, I'd just turned eighteen and was feeling very independent. Still, as it turned out it all went very well... except when we got rained on. Zarquon, was that wet!
I still feel damp just thinking about it...
How about assuring your dad that you'll be with a responsible adult or two or three or four for the entire duration of the meet and then attaching yourself to some vaguely sane member of the party who is over eighteen and looks kind of responsible?
On second thoughts, that doesn't inspire confidence...
Responsible adult, by definition. But only sometimes.
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Chris Tonks Posted Jan 8, 2002
I've told him that, but he wants to know where I'll be, for some insane reason.
It might work if I get him to meet with Ming's dad before the meet, who'll be coming along with Ming herself. Plans in the works, despite my objections but Ming going ahead and asking her dad anyway.
Photo Scavenger Hunt
MaW Posted Jan 9, 2002
Possible if irritating solutions:
1) take a mobile (preferably one which you don't pay the bill on ) and ring your dad every time you're changing location
2) wear a GPS locator so he can track your movements
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Pastey Posted Jan 9, 2002
Tonks, you wouldn't be on your own staying in the pub. I assume that the Towers staff will be staying there to meet and greet people as they arrive, and I've a feeling that I'll be staying somewhere near the alcohol supply. I'm a resposible and upstanding member of the community, until the pubs open Thinking about it, staying in the pub would have a worse influence than going out on the scavanger hunt
But the fact that the hunt is going to be done in groups does mean that you're not exactly likely to be wandering around London on your own. And I don't think that anything the Towers have put in the list would put you in danger, except maybe one or two of the items, like having you pictured with your head in the mouth of a lion at London Zoo, or that joke one of a group shot with the London Branch of the Beat Up Children Society
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jan 9, 2002
And I can think of another person that probably would be staying in the pub, as well, as the scavenger hunt may be a bit difficult for them... Then again, maybe not...
Photo Scavenger Hunt
TowelMaster Posted Jan 9, 2002
[too much on-topic perhaps]
Wouldn't it be fun if the prizes for the Hunt would be handed over by Angus D. and Anne R. ? Oh well, one can dream
"You wrote the weakest link, GOODBYE!"
[end too much on-topic perhaps]
Photo Scavenger Hunt
shazzPRME Posted Jan 10, 2002
How about me taking you under my wing Prof? Does your dad know you used to write for TP and that I edit it? Between us I am sure we can come up with something acceptable.
Key: Complain about this post
Photo Scavenger Hunt
- 41: Chris Tonks (Jan 8, 2002)
- 42: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Jan 8, 2002)
- 43: Chris Tonks (Jan 8, 2002)
- 44: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Jan 8, 2002)
- 45: Chris Tonks (Jan 8, 2002)
- 46: MaW (Jan 8, 2002)
- 47: Chris Tonks (Jan 8, 2002)
- 48: MaW (Jan 9, 2002)
- 49: Pastey (Jan 9, 2002)
- 50: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Jan 9, 2002)
- 51: TowelMaster (Jan 9, 2002)
- 52: Pastey (Jan 9, 2002)
- 53: Frankie Roberto (Jan 9, 2002)
- 54: Frankie Roberto (Jan 9, 2002)
- 55: MaW (Jan 10, 2002)
- 56: shazzPRME (Jan 10, 2002)
- 57: $u$ (Jan 10, 2002)
- 58: MaW (Jan 10, 2002)
- 59: $u$ (Jan 10, 2002)
- 60: MaW (Jan 11, 2002)
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