A Conversation for The Potato Army HQ

Aunt Edith

Post 81

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*the infection quickly speads up his arms and accross his chest*


Aunt Edith

Post 82

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostly smiley - nurse take this
smiley - magic It'll only work on humans, though. I'm afraid the poor baby spud has had it.

Aunt Edith

Post 83

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

I'm not human I'm a smiley - alienfrown

Aunt Edith

Post 84

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Oops, well, it works on trogs, too.

Aunt Edith

Post 85

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*quickly gulps down the liquid, first he turns, blue, then pink, then orange, the yellow then he starts jumping up and down on his head, then floats up to the ceiling*


Aunt Edith

Post 86

Floh Fortuneswell

The blue suits you, tuc smiley - tongueout

Aunt Edith

Post 87

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

Help i feel very air sick, please get me down

Aunt Edith

Post 88

Floh Fortuneswell

*grabs his feet*

Aunt Edith

Post 89

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

You're gonna have to pull harder

Aunt Edith

Post 90

Floh Fortuneswell

*pulls harder*

Aunt Edith

Post 91

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page


Aunt Edith

Post 92

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - erm50kg are not enough...
*pricks him with a needle*

Aunt Edith

Post 93


*Watches as a fine spray of infection drifts around Floh*

"It`s raining germs, halleluja, it`s raining germs..........."
smiley - biggrin

Aunt Edith

Post 94

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*tuc wizzes aound the room at great speed and finally lands on top of lurcher*

Thanks mate

Aunt Edith

Post 95

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - laugh

Aunt Edith

Post 96

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - whistleYou're welcome, tuc smiley - smiley

Aunt Edith

Post 97

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*gets up to notice a very squashed lurcher underneath him*

Well I surpose thats got rid of another one

Aunt Edith

Post 98

Floh Fortuneswell

YAYsmiley - cool
And sorry, tucsmiley - smooch

Aunt Edith

Post 99


* somewhat dazed, but complete in wind and limb, struggles to his feet*

Just look at the state of this uniform !!!!!!!!!

Somebody will pay dearly for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Dabs ineffectively at his stained and dusty pride and joy*

ORDERLY........ORDERLY.....Get some cleaning materials PDQ, do you hear me man!!!!!!

Aunt Edith

Post 100

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*tuc being the helpful person that he is blasts lurcher with a ton of detergent*

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