A Conversation for The Potato Army HQ

Aunt Edith

Post 41

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - ok

Aunt Edith

Post 42

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

Whats wrong do we have a texan scardey armodillo?

Aunt Edith

Post 43

Floh Fortuneswell

Who wants enchilladas or burritos?

Aunt Edith

Post 44

Floh Fortuneswell

Who wants enchilladas or burritos?

Aunt Edith

Post 45

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

Letsmake him in to a spicey burrito

Aunt Edith

Post 46

Floh Fortuneswell

Isn't burrito the Mexican word for little donkey? smiley - biggrin

Aunt Edith

Post 47

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

*Big Ugly armadillo from Texas stares in horror at the spilled beer.
Sacrilege!!! (and a waste of good beer!) Shaking one scaley fist at the potato-lovers, he hauls out his shotgun...
And realises He forgot to load it.* Oh, Oh.
*scrambling frantically, he fumbles with the shotgun shells...*

sorry-I was offline

Aunt Edith

Post 48


Ah, Just in time, it would appear!!

*the Grand High General of Aunt Edith`s Army, resplendent in obviously hand tailored, highly decorative uniform, appears beside BUAfT, draws his sword menacingly*
A slight problem, is there?
*Looks at the beer stain on the ground*
I hope that wasn`t the last one,BUAfT??

Aunt Edith

Post 49

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

*still scrambling for the shotgun shells, snarls* Check ynder mah armor, they may be anuther un.*Misses shells, curses* Aw, heck with it!
*reverses shotgun, swings it like a club, aiming for the nearest Spud-lover* smiley - grr

Aunt Edith

Post 50


*Finds another beer, takes a long satisfying draught*
Now ,calm down, we`ll soon sort this lot out smiley - nahnah
*The gleaming sword becomes a blur as GHG goes to Attack Mode*

Aunt Edith

Post 51

Floh Fortuneswell

*looks at the obviously hand tailored, highly decorative uniform* smiley - bigeyes

Aunt Edith

Post 52

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost dazzling, ain't it?
Catches shotgun in mid swing, slips in 2 shells, pulls trigger...

*Looks down at the 2 holes blasted through him, *
(Cough) Ah'm Hit!!
*Fortunately the shells missed the built-in cooler in his armor. Pulls out a six pack to kill the pain. Limping towards the door,B.U.afT. throws it open. Outside are 20 Armadillos (The drone army; Normal size, and slightly rabid).*

smiley - grr (cough, cough), Sic 'em, boys!

Armadillo drones begin to surge mindlessly forward...

Aunt Edith

Post 53

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*quickly blasts off two shots from his spud gun (filled with deadly poisened mashed potato) both hit the texan full on in the face*

Ha ha take that scumbag

Aunt Edith

Post 54


shall i call in the long range roastie artillery?
or shall we just take them on hand-to-hand with the new titanium potato peelers with the diamond edge blade and double headed axe attachment?

smiley - ok

Aunt Edith

Post 55


* GHG carefully avoids the mindlessly surging drones and passes
BUafT a "Rapid Regenerating Field Dressing" *
Slap that on, BUafT, but don`t breathe `til it sets.
*Hoists the signal... Enemy in sight*
*Erects the potato disintegrating barrier, switches to full strength*

Aunt Edith

Post 56

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Thanks, Grand High General, Ah needed that. smiley - blue How long does it take to set???
*Mindless drones begin nibbling on Floh's toes...*

Aunt Edith

Post 57

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost *Watches the big Texan die slowly from poisoning and hypoxia. Chalks up another Armadillo.(Has a scoreboard and a little rubber stamp shaped like an armadillo).*

's Brother(#101) stomps in. Seeing his sibling dead, shakes his fist at the spud lovers. "You'll never get us all!"

Aunt Edith

Post 58

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

Wanna bet

*fires a round of acid laced anti disintegrating mashed potato at him*

Aunt Edith

Post 59

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - laugh...and he doesn't disintegrate. Ow! The acid burns, though.
Meanwhile, the armadillo drones are nibbling away at Floh's shoes.
One is biting Tuc on the ankle. (I think it's the Were-Armadillo...)
smiley - moon

Aunt Edith

Post 60

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*shoots at the drones bitting his and flohs feet*

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