A Conversation for S*P*A Wants You
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
HappyDude Posted Jan 30, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Sergeant Mushroom Posted Jan 30, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
HappyDude Posted Jan 30, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Sergeant Mushroom Posted Jan 30, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Jan 31, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
HappyDude Posted Jan 31, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Jan 31, 2002
this just in: sea has a pretty calling card.
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
HappyDude Posted Jan 31, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Sergeant Mushroom Posted Jan 31, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Feb 1, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Sergeant Mushroom Posted Feb 1, 2002
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... Posted Feb 23, 2004
(An 'Honourable' member enters pursued by a pack of clawing hacks) Hello! Tony here! Wondered how you were getting on with the reclassification of(slams door-media hounds continue to slink outside)
the reclassification of (whispers) you know..well lies basically.
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) Posted Feb 23, 2004
*the chief's door opens for the first time in quite a while, making an awful racket as it does so and shedding years of cobwebs and dust. the chief emerges looking remarkably the same as when she went in*
Well, there's been some delay on that particular reclassification, I fear. For some reason, everyone seems to have dashed off and left me to do the typing... people! Chiefs don't type, we... you know... "chief", rather.
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Red (and a bit grey) Dog Posted Feb 23, 2004
Don't listen to her .... it's a plot to acquaint me with that fool of a Chaps Club gardener Fred Hogg (no relation). She's just looking for evidence to pin the blame on me
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Feb 23, 2004
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... Posted Feb 24, 2004
But there must be different types of lies! *eyes harden* a vast amount of tax payers money has been poured into this whatever it is for the sole purpose of redefining what is an acceptable lie!!
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Mar 2, 2004
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... Posted Mar 3, 2004
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Mar 4, 2004
S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Mar 4, 2004
Perhaps I can help.
We here at the S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs believe the there are NO acceptable lies. None. We tell ONLY the complete unvarnished truth.
And did you know that Sea's latest tattoo is a kumquat, located on her...well, I had better not say.
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S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs
- 221: HappyDude (Jan 30, 2002)
- 222: Sergeant Mushroom (Jan 30, 2002)
- 223: HappyDude (Jan 30, 2002)
- 224: Sergeant Mushroom (Jan 30, 2002)
- 225: soeasilyamused, or sea (Jan 31, 2002)
- 226: HappyDude (Jan 31, 2002)
- 227: soeasilyamused, or sea (Jan 31, 2002)
- 228: HappyDude (Jan 31, 2002)
- 229: Sergeant Mushroom (Jan 31, 2002)
- 230: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Feb 1, 2002)
- 231: Sergeant Mushroom (Feb 1, 2002)
- 232: Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... (Feb 23, 2004)
- 233: Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) (Feb 23, 2004)
- 234: Red (and a bit grey) Dog (Feb 23, 2004)
- 235: Titania (gone for lunch) (Feb 23, 2004)
- 236: Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... (Feb 24, 2004)
- 237: soeasilyamused, or sea (Mar 2, 2004)
- 238: Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... (Mar 3, 2004)
- 239: soeasilyamused, or sea (Mar 4, 2004)
- 240: Big Bad Werewolf (Mar 4, 2004)
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