A Conversation for S*P*A Wants You

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 141

soeasilyamused, or sea

don't worry, prof, it's just a halloween costume! smiley - hug

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 142

Chris Tonks

*Breaths a sigh of relief.*

Whew, I almost thought we'd lost our purpose then! smiley - winkeye

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 143

sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH!

smiley - laugh

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 144

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*Jade walks in with a very large bottle of code Red Mountain dew. She takes a very large swig, and then collapses on the floor*

*facedown on the floor*

Jade: Hello, all.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 145

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*looks around*

smiley - erm

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 146

Uncle Heavy [sic]

drinking agsin!

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 147

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*facedown on the floor, and therefore muffled*

No, just trying to wake up. This is mountain Dew, see? *holds up the bottle*

I was up late last night doing the Time Warp.

*extremely muffled singing*

It's just a jump to the left

and a step to the right

put your hands on your hips

and bing your knees in tiiiight...

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 148

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Love that film. They kill Meatloafsmiley - biggrin


Not that I have anything against him, of coursesmiley - erm

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 149

Big Bad Werewolf

Big fat Fib:

At the concert last night, sea mistakenly put a red spotlight on the lead singer, instead of the white spot that was called for. As a result, none of the fake blood showed up.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 150

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laugh Somebody's been lurking I think!smiley - biggrin

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 151

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

well, he liked it anyway... smiley - winkeye

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 152

Chris Tonks

BBW? Lurking? Where I think he's been lurking? Heavens above! smiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeye

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 153

Uncle Heavy [sic]

which concert?

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 154

soeasilyamused, or sea

the concert at USC i organized. it happened last night. Long Beach Dub Allstars played... you might like them, UH. check them out on whatever fileshare program you use... "sunny hours" is the best song.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 155

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 156

Uncle Heavy [sic]

oh yeah? what sort of music?

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 157

Big Bad Werewolf

Sea shanties?


S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 158

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Sea sells sea shanties by the sea shore. check this out. ought to be some fun.http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F73233?thread=150709&post=1466234#p1466234.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 159

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

<ghost. New Rumor...
Sarg was seen sniffing around the Curiositizer button AGAIN... I wonder if she's thinking of pressing it?
I heard she has hired someone to build a mock-up of it in her bed room, and whenever the urge to press the real button gets too strong, she rushes home and hammers on the fake one until she feels better.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 160

Titania (gone for lunch)

Tsk tsk... the S*T*A*T*S still have difficulties spelling their smilies, I see...

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