A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 61

Deep Doo Doo

{You may wish to ignore this}

Just tried the upgrade thingy and it didn't work - it refused my password. I checked my h2g2 details (which asked for my password) and proved it was valid.

I've not been here for months and months but my wife has just said that I may need to post in order to 'jiggle things about a bit'.

So, I've now posted and now I'm going to try the upgrade thingy again. If it doesn't work, I may never be seen again. smiley - smiley

{/You may wish to ignore this}

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 62

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

something your sister can try.
put in the user and any password, not the real one.
might take a few times, till it lockes out, then she will get the question, and she can try to acsess with the answer.
if she gets on, she can then change the password.
if your not sure the user is still active, try this
use the create side, and user and real password. then leave the reast empty, and clcik to see what the message is, it it says, do you think you are a memeber, folow the instructions.
if it says not registered, then the account as been wiped for some reason.
hope this helps. ive done this for people many atime. smiley - sheep J.H.D.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 63

aka Bel - A87832164

Funny, I didn't encounter any troubles upgrading an account I once set up (when hootoo had a glitch and blocked all the *low* usernumbers). I haven't posted to that account for many months, but it worked out well.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 64


I re-registered several weeks ago. Today I went to another site that requires BBCiD. It didn't recognize my password, which I knew was correct. But it did recognize me, asked me my question and let me reset the password. Then it let me post to a conversation. So I hope I'm all set when the shift occurs.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 65

aka Bel - A87832164

So there seems to be a problem with the BBCiD system recognising valid passwords. Hope that's only a glitch.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 66


Me too, Bel. But I think people should go double check before the sign-over to make sure their information is recorded correctly.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 67

aka Bel - A87832164

I just checked for my (this) account, and it signed me in without a hiccup. I hope there won't be any problems when they actually merge the accounts. I don't really care about the BBC blog, but my h2g2 account is important.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 68

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

a friend of mine had the same problem, but she cant get back, as the question was from way back, and she asnt a clue what the answer was. so to all tence and purpose she as no way to get back on.
if the "GLITCH" is happening now, how many can still remember the anwser. thats been around for years on h2g2.some have returned with new accounts in the last year because they forgot the user or password, smiley - sheep J.H.D.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 69


Great. I'm glad it worked for you. smiley - biggrin

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 70

Taff Agent of kaos

just did minesmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 71

aka Bel - A87832164

And I just upgraded the Post Team account (just imagine I had forgotten that!!), with no problems whatsoever. smiley - puff

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 72

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Jim, Jimcracker, this isn't really the place to discuss digiboxes, so I'll just say, don't give up, we may still be able to access via our digiboxes after BBCiD if some clever smiley - geek can supply a new link (assuming one will be needed)

I only use my digibox when my partner is on PC and I'm watching TV, then I'll have a quick smiley - lurk during the adverts. One day recently I was clicking links here and there, I tried clicking on a 'Mobile' link, and was able to move around using that. I even got to watch Radio 1 (I think, if not another BBC Radio station) live, although I think it was a static picture, I can't really remember.

Sorry, non digibox users, I've nearly finished. I've created a guide entry (A61912433) so digibox users can pass on useful info. My digibox is only a few feet from PC so I can go between the two finding out what I can do. I've added you as a Researcher Jim, so the entry will be on your PS, nothing on it yet though. But that's somewhere Digibox users can discuss their access problems, but I won't be able to solve them, I'm not a techie, but maybe a techie will subscribe to the entry. smiley - oksmiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 73

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

'if the "GLITCH" is happening now, how many can still remember the anwser. thats been around for years on h2g2.'

You think you have got problems? I originally signed up over ten years ago, before they *had* a question...!

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 74

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I've just transferred without difficulty. The new BBC iD name does not allow the brackets I have in my name, so I'm just TRiG Ireland over there. I didn't have to reset my h2g2 name: it seems to be unaffected.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 75

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

this might sound a bit naff.
but are the ones doing different accounts using a diff email each time.as specified.
if not, could be not registering in the long run.smiley - sheep J.H.D.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 76

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

thanks emmily
mine is just for home, i use the cyber and library in the daytime.
i will change at the last minute,hen i dont mess the acsess for now.
ive checked and the firewall will be to high this time, so no link, lost the last battle after 8 years, had a good run.smiley - sheep J.H.D.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 77

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Never say never Jim, what will I do during the long boring adverts smiley - wah

Who's firewall, we'll just burn it down smiley - evilgrin

smiley - bluebutterfly

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 78

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi emmily
thats what i do, jump on the emails and here in the adverts, then off, for round to of the programme lol.
i have a list of things i can get as well, that was left from the old try at internet, ie cnn,itn, and adtrader.and the browser the dot top of my page. lol smiley - sheep J.H.D.

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 79

HappyÐude® MK II in a yellow polka dot bikini

I'd love to sign in my old account (I even know the password) but it is locked and nobody replied to my email on getting the lock lifted so I can enter my password which means no upgrade to the new id and no access to 10 years of my virtual life smiley - sadface

Thursday, 14 January, 2010: h2g2 Moving to iD Soon: Very Important Information

Post 80

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi happydude
cant you use the answer to the question.
o is it that its fully blocked as in perminent.
normally the block is for half hour, if three fails.
with the option of the question and answer. smiley - sheep J.H.D.

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