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13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 21

Jim Lynn

AK, creachey - do you guys share a PC or something?

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - ermsmiley - smiley though I've noticed things seem to be running quicker than before.... Or is that just not that* many people have logged back in after the update? smiley - erm

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 23

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

goo page is wider smiley - sadface

took ages to get logged in as lots of 'technical problems try again later'

ended up creating an account i don't want, won't let me log on to change other accounts even though all cookies deleted. guess once every one stopsd trying to log on at once it will settle down. Only took me an hour and a half to log into SSO smiley - sleepy

For a while, I was afraid of the unspeakable - it never would smiley - yikes

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 24

AK - fancy that!

No I don't share a computer with Creachy
smiley - weird
Thats odd... I bet I could get in as that name and post stuff for it... its auto logging on for me or something... very odd...

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 25

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

one other thing alabaster "My Most Recent Conversations" is twice the size it was. I mean the width of it!

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 26

AK - fancy that!

I would try to jsut to see if I could, but it won't let me log out due to technical problems... hmm...
Try again in a fw minutes then...

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 27

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

fantastic - the pop up convo remembers what i have read - hurrah!!!!

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 28

AK - fancy that!

is that what the new posts thingy is? how many since you last lookked at it?

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 29

Lady Scott

The new pop-up format is confusing to me. smiley - erm

I suppose I'll get used to it...

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 30

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Can someone tell me what the frelling point of this is? I've just created a log in which is the 'name which will be seen by all BBCi users', had three options turned down because it didn't like hyphens. (Tough sh*t there, then, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Adrian Worrell-Thompson) and generally had a frustrating twenty minutes.

Only to find that my nickname details under preferences, so my preferred option of soditIII (which was about how I felt after the the third attempt) would have been fine because I can still use Blues Shark on h2g2 with whatever witticism I choose.

I also have to say thats it's a little unclear as to what these change is for or why it's been done. At least one fellow user has blundered through the entire procedure without having a frelling clue what they were doing or why.smiley - erm

smiley - shark

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 31

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

there is one Blue Shark who can not read smiley - tongueout

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 32

AK - fancy that!

Word-for-word from a new window on which I pressed the login button:

"Hello flahaven, we've made some changes I'm not flahaven

We have changed the way you sign into the BBCi website to give you better access to your membership details. This will take effect across all BBCi services soon.

For better security and convenience, we need you to update your details and add some new information.

Although you can choose not to do this now, you won't be able to fully use h2g2 until you have.

Only click cancel if you don't want to update your details right now. "
And then the two buttons, the upper of which had "technical difficulties"

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 33


Presumably the name at the top of your page (Hello XXXXX & I'm NOT XXXXX) is the one you'll be seen as if you use certain future DNA sites or BBC messageboards... think of an h2g2 nickname as an 'h2g2 feature' added to the BBC-wide login you're now using...

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 34

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Well that wouldn't be me as I'm a Blues Shark...smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 35


that's just odd.

apparently i's now harder to chang your password and email... you can't just go to prefereces.

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 36

AK - fancy that!

Oh, and just out of curiousity, as Jim is around here, why is the development site off limits? Now it needs a password and all. I wish the development skin could be used for h2g2 actually, I like the way it looks what with all the gray.

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 37

Mu Beta

I'm still trying to work out who "Adrian Worrell-Thompson" is. smiley - tongueout


13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 38

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Whisky, presumably so.

Hmm. I suddenly know how John Peel feels about traffic reports in the middle of the quiz show.

smiley - shark

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 39

AK - fancy that!

Ah never mind about the FLahaven things... its part of some multi person persona... I had forgotten/didn't realize... even still its a bit odd... huh.smiley - shrug

13 October, 2003: Single Sign-on Registration System Launched

Post 40


*forgets about it*

The goo-like badge background seems to have disappeared.

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