A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 61


smiley - yikes Oh my....

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 62

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

>Besides, they don't look like a pair of handcuffs anyway. Future >copper pedantry kicking in here... and if they do look like >handcuffs, they look like furry love cuffs or something
>* shudders *

MaW mate, I'm fairly sure that's the idea smiley - rainbow

At least you didn't get smiley - pony and o-o put into your head together...

At least you didn't the the *idea* of smiley - pony and o-o together put into you head.

I wholeheartedly support the idea of o~o as the shortcut tho'.

smiley - ale

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 63

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - rainbow one

makes sing "I am walrus"

I have moustace smiley - winkeye

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 64


smiley - erm Problem, is anyone else having trouble with these new smileys. Whenever I see them in a forum they suddenly look like a link with the text of the name instead smiley - yikes!

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 65

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Have this happened to your smiley's and volunteer badges as well?smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - sadface

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 66


No, I've just realised that the smiley images are broken again!

I can get all the old ones such as smiley - smiley and smiley - biggrin, but not smiley - mouse, or smiley - towel, I wonder if all of the servers have been updated.

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 67

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

They've all gone. But you'll still have some in your cache. smiley - boing

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 68

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Every single image on hootoo is broken for me! smiley - yikes. Hmm....

smiley - ale

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 69



We have asked for the updating procedure to be run again because of the smiley - bleep up with the short codes. We had a choice of either deleting the problematic short codes or exchanging them for something else. We decided to take the quicker option of ditching them.

I know some people liked them, but we decided that it would be better to get this sorted as soon as possible.

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 70


smiley - yikes every one?!

Abi says they're probably updating the parser to take out the short codes like o - o. So it might be better soon!

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 71


smiley - doh

Simulpost (I was copying Abi from another thread, not directly above obviously smiley - winkeye)

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 72


. o O (does this mean there are going to be meaningless conversations with people getting excited over the word no-one but the handcuffs will be gone?)

Shame - I quite liked the idea of accidental smilies

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 73


No it appears that I might be wrong on that front! The other potential cause of the smileys disappearing is a problem with the image server.

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 74


oh dear. IT could be. I wonder if all the servers have been told about the new smileys. (Last week when we had a preview of towel, some of the servers didn't do it). Is anyone actually getting them?

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 75

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I'm getting them on off now- but it's not the same images which stay and go- they're all randomly coming and going!

smiley - ale

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 76

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

all images have diapeared. even the menus. smiley - sadface

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 77

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Actually, I just refreshed a page, and they all b*gg*r*d off, so I guess some of must have been cached.
smiley - ale

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 78

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

too many H2G2sapiens try use new smiley - rainbow the server is overheated

smiley - laugh

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 79

Alex 195614 As everyone else seems to like incredibly long names I keep mine ironically short.

yes mee too smiley - bleep (this will work someday when the servers are fixed

21 August, 2002: New Smileys

Post 80

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Well, mine's ok!!
smiley - boing
smiley - disco (that look more like a UFO!!)

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