A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 41


The Goo bitmap of the newly restored *big* h2g2 logo makes a great tesselation for my W*ndows background smiley - cheers

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 42

Frankie Roberto

Oh My God.

I wake up an hour too early in the morning because my alarm clock somehow managed to jump forward an hour, so I get up and log on to h2g2 and the navigation bar has all changed!

So is this why we were all having problems getting on to the site yesterday and why Jim was online at 12:00 midnight last night...? smiley - smiley

Oh well, we'll get used to it I suppose. smiley - biggrin


7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 43

Frankie Roberto

The BBCi thing looks like a complete rebrand (from 'BBC Online' I suppose). See:


This comes after a new branding of 'BBC London' (replacing 'newsround southeast' with 'LDN'). Things change fast...

Toodles... smiley - run


7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 44


It's still November 6 here for another 27 minutes. I will pretend the new, (much too wide!), toolbar does not yet exist...

smiley - zen

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 45

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

The BBCi bar would be so much more compact if the search box was just a search link. We should be allowed different colours for different skins - especially as a new skin is on the way, I hear...

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 46

Frankie Roberto

I dunno, I quite like the idea of having a search box on every page, and the bar looks fine on this huge monitor smiley - bigeyes

The search doesn't seem to include the h2g2 Edited guide though...

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 47


Yuk. Yuk. Really doesn't go with Goo. Surely the Beeb has heard of skins?!

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 48

Jim Lynn

"The search doesn't seem to include the h2g2 Edited guide though..."

Time constraints were against us there. h2g2 will become part of the pan-BBC search just as soon as we can efficiently integrate our pages into their indexes. It's definitely not because they didn't want to. In the end, the timescales for the BBCi launch were very tight, and we didn't want to add another unknown to the search team.

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 49

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

look at this!!

click on toolbar "index"
select "h"

look who what comes first!

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 50

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Looks bad (in Goo) but works fine ...

Rather than trying to persuade the BBC to change 'their' bar into a Goo color scheme, wouldn't it be a good idea to take that business-like grey as a basis for a new skin (the 'h2g2-at-the-office-stealth-skin')?


7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 51


That's an excellent idea, that way I won't have to reach for the mouse everytime someone comes into the office smiley - laugh

Lets start a campaign for a 'Boring' Skin smiley - biggrin

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 52

cafram - in the states.

Yes!! Lets hear it for the stealth skin!!

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 53

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

A 'boring but very slim line for fast loading skin.' Then you don't get a page loading up and stuck so that you cant just cover it with something else quickly. Or am I the only one whose computer locks up on a regular basis?


7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 54

I'm not really here

That bar looks terrible on my pc. Dark blue goo, nasty grey bar, then lilac browser. (I like lilac, all right!)
The search bar does match the headers in Goo nicely, but I still don't like it. It doesn't blend in at all.

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 55


Lilac smiley - huh

You've got to be kidding smiley - yuksmiley - ill

smiley - laugh

smiley - run

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 56

I'm not really here

It was pink when I had a Power Puff Girls theme. The colours are there to be used. smiley - winkeye

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 57

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the more is see GREY BBi toolbar, the more you get feeling being in a senior citzens home in the 1950s. BBC you are senior citzens, but please behave bit more modern. even your NEWS studio and Station calls have more colours.

BBCi toolbar get some colour. please. atleast fit colour with different webpages.

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 58

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You're lucky yours is grey.
Mine is puke green.
Against my black GOO, it'ssmiley - ill

And I thought that is what alabaster was, Whisky??smiley - erm

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 59

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

On this - the post message box screen - the grey bar is hovering above the banner add and the Goo looks "cut-off" - is this another glitch?

Still not sure I like it. - but hey, at least we get big old h2g2 front page button back!!! smiley - smiley

7 November, 2001: BBCi Toolbar Added

Post 60

The H2G2 Editors

Just a small point; it's probably better to report bugs with the toolbar in the Bug Reports section of Feedback. The Announcements page is not the right place, and we may miss any problems you raise (though we will try to check all the reports here).

Thanks! smiley - smiley

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