A Conversation for Alabaster House

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 1

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

*starts unpacking his stuff from a rather large One Size Fits All pocket...one of his more useful inventions*
*pulls out a desk*
*pulls out a lamp*
*pulls out a Mary Poppins and wonders what she was doing in there*
*pulls out a bunch of charts*
*pulls out a sign on which is printed "Commander SuperMao"*
*takes some duct tape and covers up the 'a' and uses a sharpe to write an 'o' in it's place*
*pulls out a rather large sitting utensil...with tilting action!*
*sits in the chair*
*grabs a pad of paper and begins working...aka...playing tic tac toe*

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 2


Making yourself comfy, I see. That's good. And already hard at work. You are truly an inspiration. smiley - biggrin

I brought you some cocoa and a plate of brownies.

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 3

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

huh!...of course I'm working and not just playing tic tac toe!!!...*paranoid glances*

smiley - bigeyes
many thanks!

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 4


You're welcome. I tend to mother all of my staff. It's one of my endearing qualities. smiley - winkeye Everyone seems to enjoy it except the vice president.

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 5

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

smiley - laugh

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 6


I already gots me a mother, thankya.

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 7


You just don't like for me to nag you about eating your fruits and veggies. Admit it.

You need good nutrition to be a successful politician. Look where having a lean and hungry look got Cassius.

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 8


*pops in*

Hi, SuperMoo. Glad to see you're settled in and I just wondered what sort of cushions you will want. I hope you don't consider them too trifling or ostentatious for a military type such as yourself, and to allay any suspicions you may have, may I offer you some in khaki, combat green or camouflage?

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 9

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

nay...I only take denim!...the fabric of the Gods!...smiley - laugh...
anywho...I'll take extra ultra soft comfy pillows for a comfy chair...smiley - rofl...

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 10


Extra ultra soft comfy denim pillows coming up. smiley - run

Office of The Military Advisor

Post 11

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness


Office of The Military Advisor

Post 12


I don't think anyone's ever said that about my pillows before. Thanks.

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