A Conversation for Alabaster House
Office of The Military Advisor
SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness Started conversation Dec 6, 2005
*starts unpacking his stuff from a rather large One Size Fits All pocket...one of his more useful inventions*
*pulls out a desk*
*pulls out a lamp*
*pulls out a Mary Poppins and wonders what she was doing in there*
*pulls out a bunch of charts*
*pulls out a sign on which is printed "Commander SuperMao"*
*takes some duct tape and covers up the 'a' and uses a sharpe to write an 'o' in it's place*
*pulls out a rather large sitting utensil...with tilting action!*
*sits in the chair*
*grabs a pad of paper and begins working...aka...playing tic tac toe*
Office of The Military Advisor
Hypatia Posted Dec 6, 2005
Making yourself comfy, I see. That's good. And already hard at work. You are truly an inspiration.
I brought you some cocoa and a plate of brownies.
Office of The Military Advisor
SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness Posted Dec 6, 2005
huh!...of course I'm working and not just playing tic tac toe!!!...*paranoid glances*
many thanks!
Office of The Military Advisor
Hypatia Posted Dec 6, 2005
You're welcome. I tend to mother all of my staff. It's one of my endearing qualities. Everyone seems to enjoy it except the vice president.
Office of The Military Advisor
Hypatia Posted Dec 8, 2005
You just don't like for me to nag you about eating your fruits and veggies. Admit it.
You need good nutrition to be a successful politician. Look where having a lean and hungry look got Cassius.
Office of The Military Advisor
Bagpuss Posted Dec 8, 2005
*pops in*
Hi, SuperMoo. Glad to see you're settled in and I just wondered what sort of cushions you will want. I hope you don't consider them too trifling or ostentatious for a military type such as yourself, and to allay any suspicions you may have, may I offer you some in khaki, combat green or camouflage?
Office of The Military Advisor
SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness Posted Dec 9, 2005
nay...I only take denim!...the fabric of the Gods!......
anywho...I'll take extra ultra soft comfy pillows for a comfy chair......
Office of The Military Advisor
SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness Posted Dec 13, 2005
Office of The Military Advisor
Bagpuss Posted Dec 14, 2005
I don't think anyone's ever said that about my pillows before. Thanks.
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Office of The Military Advisor
- 1: SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness (Dec 6, 2005)
- 2: Hypatia (Dec 6, 2005)
- 3: SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness (Dec 6, 2005)
- 4: Hypatia (Dec 6, 2005)
- 5: SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness (Dec 8, 2005)
- 6: J (Dec 8, 2005)
- 7: Hypatia (Dec 8, 2005)
- 8: Bagpuss (Dec 8, 2005)
- 9: SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness (Dec 9, 2005)
- 10: Bagpuss (Dec 11, 2005)
- 11: SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness (Dec 13, 2005)
- 12: Bagpuss (Dec 14, 2005)
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