A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 1


Freshly constructed by a crack team of union-worker sheep, the Sheep and Shrub Canteen is hereby open. Don't let it worry you if the wall peels a bit, or if the ceiling starts falling it. Just prop it up and call the office of the Minister for Feathered Affairs. That's the office that deals with these things.

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 2


I'm astonished at the speed those sheep can build! Are they on steroids?

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 3


There are just a helluva lot of them. Herd mentality.

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 4


Where is your building permit? And your inspection sticker from the health department? You need to get that ashep hair cleaned up before the inspector comes.

Which reminds me. One of the offices we need to fill is that of Undersecretary for Siberian Sheep Shavings.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 5


That problem could be fixed neatly if you don't appoint a zoning/health/whatever inspector smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 6


The ceiling and two of the walls are in definite violation of building codes. Did you apply for a variance?

Building codes are there for everyone's protection. We need to set a good example for our constituents.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 7


I believe if we use the right mix of constituents the walls and bricks should hold together nicely. Maybe?

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 8


What're you talking about? It's not an election year.

smiley - diva

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 9


Listen to this man.

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 10


Clears throat and gives Jodan the eyebrow.

We will be having hundreds - nay thousands - of tourists through Alabaster House every month. Many of them will be stopping at the canteen for a bit of refreshment. SPENDING MONEY Collapsed ceilings and wonky walls will cut into our revenues.

What if a small child from Ohio is injured here? Huh? Little kid comes in after getting your autograph, buys himself a Dr. Pepper and a bag of Cheez-its and is killed by falling plaster. It'll look bad in the papers.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 11


Or good, depends how we spin it.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 12


Pah. You know very well I charge thousands of dollars for my autograph precisely because no one will be able to afford the canteen's prices after buying my John Hancock. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 13


I see a pattern developing here and I don't like it one bit. smiley - cross

If I am going to have to hire independent contractors to fix your messes, then I see no reason why you as well as your carpenters shouldn't be dropped from a great height.

*wonders if the fall will tenderize the meat*

We could serve kabobs in the canteen. Make a fortune.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 14


My communications director makes another excellent point. And an intern in the communications office named Kenny has developed an excellent, 17 point plan in case of injury in Alabaster House.

Worry ye not, Madame President smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 15


The Vice Presidential Office is what you call 'Big Picture Oriented'. You can worry about how tender your meat is and the roofs in this house, but I plan to work on the issues. Such as my Italic Bewigging and my scheme to sell of excess yachts with a sheep-telemarketing team smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 16

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Is there any Roast Lamb on the menu smiley - evilgrin

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 17


None at all, no.

smiley - blacksheep

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 18

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The amount of sheep there is around here I though Roast Lamb was perminantly on the menu

Or I'm going to have to do some serious "No Comment"ing when the News of the World or the National Enquirer start asking why there are so many sheep in Alabaster House

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 19


Yes, well, Alabster House is definitely sheep friendly. And although I often threaten smiley - blacksheep with kabob skewers, I am actually quite fond of him and wouldn't serve him with potatoes and mint jelly.

I do worry about the number of sheep Jodan is collecting. The vice presidential wing is already reeking. I think we need to build them a barn with a large attached exercise yard where they can get fresh air and sunshine. Sheep do not do well as indoor animals.

The Sheep and Shrub Canteen

Post 20

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I think Jodan should keep the sheep in his office

smiley - erm No I think the sheep should be kept well away from Jodan

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