A Conversation for Alabaster House
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
guina Started conversation Oct 24, 2005
Hi there and welcome! Grab a bean bag (there are several around the room along with some pandas ) and help yourself to MARMITE and TWIGLETS!!!
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
guina Posted Oct 24, 2005
*Also in the room there is a bar, a dancefloor, and several doors leading of to who knows where*
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
guina Posted Oct 24, 2005
*comes in and sits down with his book. begins to read*
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
Elentari Posted Oct 28, 2005
Hi, Black Leopard. Whatcha reading?
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
Hypatia Posted Oct 29, 2005
Pandas are important gifts from the Chinese government. I still believe that the only reason Nixon went to China was to ask for pandas.
Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
Elentari Posted Oct 29, 2005
There was a storyline on the West Wing (from which much of my knowledge - such as it is - of American politics is derived) where the pandas dies and they wanted to ask for more to show the importance of their relationship with China. Toby (the Communications Director) responded that they should show they were serious about their relationship with the US by not running over their citizens with tanks.
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Ministry of Marmite, Twiglets and Lemmings
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