A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 1


An enormous wing of Alabaster House is devoted to the Vice Presidential Suite. This vast collection of rooms includes a conference hall, some 30 lesser offices, a file room, a large office for the VP's Chief of Staff connected to the huge office for the Vice President based upon the VP's UnderGuide office, as described in A4184516

Beyond the tall glass doors that open to the wing are seven golden sheep statues and hundreds of menial staff workers scurrying around at the Vice President's whims.

On the Vice President's desk, which faces his badges and waterfall grotto, is a red telephone directly connected to the President, with other lines going to the Secretary of State, the italics, the UG Editors and the Kremlin.

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 2


*Walks into her large office as Jodan's Chief of Staff*

It is large, as promised, tastefully decorated with a huge polished oak desk (soon to be spread with confidential memos, etc) and a very comfortable chair.

The VP's Chief of Staff settles down to read the papers and find out what's been happening in the world.

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 3


*barks some orders at his COS*

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 4


*rushes to obey, then sticks her tongue out behind Jodan's back*

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 5


*notices tongue on security monitor and bleats additional orders*

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 6


*Wonders why VP is bleating orders as opposed to speaking, and considers calling in doctor. Quickly followed by wondering how a man who bleats ever got elected.*

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 7


Sorry, that was the Vice, Vice President smiley - erm

I got elected by hitching my star to the right ticket and rarely bleating at campaign stops.

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 8


Ok then. Just as long as you haven't lied by ommission by failing to mention to the h2g2 community during the campaign that you are, in fact, a smiley - sheep as well as a telephone.

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 9


I'm not a damn telephone. smiley - erm Definitely not a sheep-telephone.

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 10


*picks up a sheep*

This one was ringing. Now it seems to be muttering. What was my title again?

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 11


Now it seems to be tinkling on your scalp smiley - erm

Communications director.

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 12


*Directs the communicating sheep to stop tinkling and begin trunking.*

Blast those elves.

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 13


*Frantically calls EvilClaw for help*

Drop the Vice President. Drop him now!

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 14


Oh my! *drops*

ack, I don't know where he's been!

*washes hands in the fountain*

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 15


smiley - laugh

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 16


What a crack team I've assembled smiley - biggrin

MJ, I'd like to point out that though as a Co-Editor of the UG, you've been assigned a janitor's closet as office space, in Alabaster House, you get a majestic room with plenty of wall space and an intimidating desk (as does my CoS here). No harmful chemicals or mops to dance with though smiley - erm

Decorations... I'll leave that up to you.

smiley - blacksheep

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 17


I was thinking a sheepskin rug.

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 18



The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 19


Of course! What do you take me for? Someone with taste? I ask you...

The Vice Presidential Suite

Post 20



Now what was that thing I was going to have my Chief of Staff do that required me to deputize this thing? smiley - huh Fill me in, Scooter smiley - somersault

smiley - blacksheep

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