A Conversation for Alabaster House

Ministry for Cushions

Post 1


Come in, grab a seat. I think I can safely say that they are the comfiest seats of any ministry.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 2


*sits down* Quite right!

smiley - blacksheep

Ministry for Cushions

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*looks in on her way back from peering into the Vice Presidential wing*
Minister, may I have several cushions for a corner of my office?
(Sec. of State)

Ministry for Cushions

Post 4


*a head pops up between two huge piles of cushions*

Well, Lil, I suppose I could spare a few. How about these ones with the batik-style covers?

*bows to the VP*

Ministry for Cushions

Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Those are bouncy and beautiful. There are times, I foresee, when I will want to burrow into the cushions and hide from the cold, hard, world.

*accepts cushions and returns bow*

Ministry for Cushions

Post 6


*returns bow to Lil, because he was bowing to Jodan before*

Ministry for Cushions

Post 7


*belatedly wonders whether he should have made a bow/bough pun*

Ministry for Cushions

Post 8


You have a marvellous collection of cushions, Bagpuss. I am glad you are taking your position so seriously. An army might very well march on its stomach, but a presidential administration sits on its cushions.

I see a medal and a commendation here.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 9


I remember a cushion I had as a child. It was very soft and had pictures of an aeroplane and a hot air balloon and flags on it. It made me very happy. Have you anything similar?

Ministry for Cushions

Post 10


*adjusts stack of six cushions on chair*

Thank you, your Presidentialness.

MJ - I've probably got something similar. I don't know if it'd be filed with the aeroplane cushions, the balloon cushions or the flag cushions, though.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 11

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*bows to the VP, bows to Hypatia, and hurries out with her cushions*

Ministry for Cushions

Post 12


*Bows to Sec of State*

*Sheep sticks tongue out at Sec of Telephone Sanitizing*

I had a wonderful dinosaur pillow when I was younger. It had a green... I think it was an obese brontosaurus... on it.
Ah, memories.

smiley - blacksheep

Ministry for Cushions

Post 13


Brontosauruses (or rather Apatasauruses) are not reknowned for their skinniness - I dread to think what an obese one would look like.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 14


I really just think it was grossly out of proportion. The neck was as thick as the body smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Ministry for Cushions

Post 15


hmm, sounds more like an anaconda...

Ministry for Cushions

Post 16


An anaconda with legs. smiley - yikes

Was it definitely a dinosaur? Coz it could well have been just some big lizard.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 17


Maybe one of those nasty Komodo Dragons. smiley - yikes

Poor Jodan. Mr. Minister, do you have a cushion with a picture of a proper dinosaur for him?

Ministry for Cushions

Post 18


Hmm, does Barney count?

Er... okay. I guess he doesn't.

Ah, here's one. Not only does it have a nattily-embroidered Tyranosaurus Rex on it, but it is stuffed with T. Rex feathers.

Ministry for Cushions

Post 19


It whiffs a bit, here have some potpourri VP smiley - smiley

Ministry for Cushions

Post 20


Sorry, I guess it's time I emptied my waste bin. Those old tea bags are getting a bit rancid.

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