A Conversation for The Small but Vocal Minority

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 41

Martin Harper

"Jimmy", said mamma Peta, "Don't hang out with those kids! They're from the wrong side of the forums..."

My call.... ooh.... I reckon you're SBVM material, though. You pass our demanding entry standards certainly... smiley - winkeye "breathing - check; fish in ear - check; h2g2 user - check" smiley - laugh

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 42

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Talking of smiley-abuse... smiley - winkeye what could this mean? smiley - grovel
looks a bit like smiley - tickle from another perspective (with one of them missing), not?


I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 43

a girl called Ben

Or perhaps smiley - yikes from another perspective. We still have an invisible man though...

smiley - tickle

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 44

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Now, look, Ben. This is a BBC site. We can't have non-invisible men with these smilies...


... though someone did mention that db looks a bit like the counterpart to smiley - yikes

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 45

The Cheese

I don't endlessly whine without offering plausible solutions (yet). But I taste good with crackers.

I want a fancy title, but have no clue what the duck it should be.

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 46

Tube - the being being back for the time being

C'mon you're just here to blatantly abuse smilies! smiley - winkeye


I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 47

Martin Harper

I'll put you down as "Tastes good with crackers"... smiley - smiley

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 48

Tube - the being being back for the time being

I am against putting down anyone. smiley - tongueout


I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 49

The Cheese

Hooray for smiley abuse. smiley - cdouble

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 50

The Cheese

Hooray for smiley abuse. smiley - cdouble

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 51


Great. I spout off about TowelMaster being unlikely to say anything logical, then he says, "The only person that I have seen, who actually improved and worked over his thoughts and convictions is Deibzoeb. . .Deibzoeb is the only one so far who has been working on a 'strategy' that may work in the long run."

Me and my big mouth.

[Actually I never "improved" or "worked over" my convictions. I just became better at PR. Did I mention there's a lot of love in this room?]

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 52


This smiley smiley - grovel should be coded as

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 53


OK, all back to mine for a new conversation, "alternative titles for smileys", Subcom's is for openers. Go here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F35246?thread=137130&post=1250594#p1250594 for more suggestions... H.

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 54

Chris M

I've put my axe down for a while but I'm still p*ss*d. Please sign me up so I can find some comfort and justification for future ranting.

The erudite if erratic Kid ?

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 55

Silent Lucidity

Silent Lucidity, on the occasion of my first vanished entry.

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 56

Martin Harper

Would you like a title? Or shall I make one up for you? smiley - devil

Welcome to the club, and welcome to h2g2. See you Friday - today's been rather busy for me (but not too busy to welcome a new member... smiley - smiley)

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 57

Silent Lucidity

Hi Lucinda,

Title? If you didn't already dub me with one, give me the honorific Management Consultant for Long-Winded Futile Exercises, or something like. Thanks!

Friday, man (or girl)... don't talk to me about Friday.

Talk to you later, when I'm lucid.

smiley - peacesign

~Silent Lucidity~

I'm part of the SBVM!

Post 58

The Theory

I want to join... I always disscuss the cons of [edited by poster] and all that crap with your current member, Rat.



Post 59


What was that? smiley - huh


Post 60

Martin Harper

Don't ask me - I just work here... smiley - winkeye

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