A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D. Stadium!

The Lab

Post 21

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*whispers to the assembled Hero's*

He doesn`t realise that we`re only here to thwart. Mind you if we can make sometime for avenging then I`m up for that as well lads.

Time for a bit of heroic posing I reckon.

*Gives Clipboard the steely eyed power gaze with both hands on hips*

The Lab

Post 22

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Ghostly hand snags Red Dog from underneath, dragging him off to another forum, as per instructions. Replaces the smiley - dog with one of his clones, which continues to stare in the afformentioned way...

The Lab

Post 23

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard] :

...Right then. if you need me, I'll be working on my go-cart with CR Atmos.

[Clipboard and CR Atmos get back to work on the go-cart.]

The Lab

Post 24

Sammy -Goddess, CHOPPER, Bobo secretary, Dentonite, beach bum-

smiley - yikes Where have you taken him!? Bring him back now!!

The Lab

Post 25

Sammy -Goddess, CHOPPER, Bobo secretary, Dentonite, beach bum-

*Swirls ermine cape menacingly*


The Lab

Post 26

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard and the CR Atmos climb on to the now finished go-cart, and Clipboard hits the ignition. The go-cart speeds up to a blur, and crshes into some piece of important looking equipment. Clipboard lies on the ground dazed, and the CR Atmos lies on the ground on it's back reaching at the air and trying to right itself.]

[Clipboard] :


[CR Atmos] :

Help, somebody flip me over onto my feet!

The Lab

Post 27


RedSky who recently came to helps Clipord and CM Atoms to their feet.

"emm... Would you mind taking a few minets of your busy scedual to attack us.... You see we can't really thwart you I'f you don't attack us first..."

The Lab

Post 28

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard] :

Is that all? Sure thing, you only needed to ask...

[Clipboard draws a beam sword out of his lab coat, and the CR Atmos readies it's scythe blades.]

[CR Atmos] :

Shall we begin?

The Lab

Post 29


*standing by in case of a loss-of-technicolour emergency*

The Lab

Post 30

The Krylma Leader

*The door to the lab bursts open, and fifty Gecko Warriors leap into the room, ready for action. Seven Komodo Dragon Warrios, an equal match to the fifty Geckos, follow suit. Legions of other Krylma troops can be seen in the hall*

Komodo Leader-We have received word from Special Agent Chameleon that some heroes have appeared in this laboratory. The Leader of Krylma has sent us to investigate and, if necessary, provide assistance to prevent any possible difficulties from arising that may harm the innocent bystanders attending the bull fight in the stadium.

*Special Agent Chameleon mentally sighs, and attempts to slink even further back into his normal hiding place described(?) in post 5*

The Lab

Post 31


Draws his rapier and luncas at Clipbord.

"Have at thee"

The Lab

Post 32

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard's beam sword beam thins down to a rapier size.]

[Clipboard] :

Let's go!

[Clipboard launches into a fencing fight with RedSky]

The Lab

Post 33

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Three of Dr. Wily's new Robot Masters burst in: Beam Man, who zips around like some kind of light ray; Double Man, who has two heads; and Battery Man, who is cylindrical, has very short legs, and an electric plug for a head. They are accompanied by CATS.]

[CATS] Heroes, you have no chance to survive make your time! All your base are belong to us.

[Battery Man] Uh, they're attacking us, not the other way around.

[CATS] What are point your being?

[Battery Man] Us taking over them doesn't apply here.

[CATS] Ever of what. [draws and arms a Beamsaber]

The Lab

Post 34

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard strikes at Red Sky]

The Lab

Post 35


RedSky perrys with a downward trhust.

"Ha you fight like a securety guard!"

He exclaims (notes the exclamation mark) and then attempts one of his faverot moves.... The old boot to the groin.

The Lab

Post 36

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard jumps out of the way of RedSky's boot attack, and lands right behind him. Before RedSky can react, Clipboard Turns around and swipes at RedSky with his beam rapier]

[Clipboard] :

You're no match for me!

The Lab

Post 37


"My years of limbo practis finaly pay of" RedSky says as the sword pasas over his chest (mind you he's not in practis so it dose mangage to burn a hole in his piret costume... Oh and coses a a first degre burn to magicly apper on his torso) and makes a overhead sweep at Clipords feet.

The Lab

Post 38

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard simultainiously Jumps over RedSky's swipe, and slashes his beam rapier diagonially right and down at RedSky.]

[Clipboard] :

This is getting good!

[CR Atmos] :

Yeah, very climatic!

The Lab

Post 39

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Beam Man] Hey, isn't somebody gonna attack /us/?

The Lab

Post 40


As RedSky lets himself fall to the ground to avoid the dedly attack he trust upward with his rapier tring to hit the off button on the beem repier

.....I'm sure there were some other heros around here (sammy, happydued, Red Dog) but if you can't find them just attack youselfs fore a vile and I'll come and thwart you when I've delt with Clipbord, that might take a vile thoug......

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