A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D. Stadium!

The Lab

Post 61

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[The hairspray bounces off of the CR Atmos, spinning through the air, then hitting Sgt's beam sword and igniteing. Spewing flaming Aerosol propellent, it rockets around the lab, bounceing and twirling]

The Lab

Post 62

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*in the ensueing chaos, SM lunges and grabs her lightsaber, ducks the passing can, does a forward roll, and resumes her previous position*

*grins, showing sparkling, shiny teeth*

Phew! Where were we?

*resumes attack*

The Lab

Post 63

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[The CR Atmos Jumps back, and one of his segments pops up, revealing a large plasma cannon, which the CR Atmos fires at Sgt. Mushroom.]

The Lab

Post 64


Now why do you think I'm going to lose, but if you want to tange wepons I'm game

The Lab

Post 65

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard] :

All I'm proposeing is that we play this as a best 2 out of 3. When someone loses one round, we'll both be healed, and fight again with different weapons, and I get to choose weapons for round 2.

The Lab

Post 66

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK runs between Clipboard and SM, pursued by Komodos, who are in turn pursued by Double Man.]

[Double Man] [both heads] Hey! /I/ wanted to fight him!

[Komodo] Nobody's stopping you!

[Double Man] [both] I meant fairly! [left] Ish! [right] Sort of! [both] Whatever!

The Lab

Post 67


Looks like it's been a busy weekend guys!

Any villains going spare?
Ready to take on the might of the bravest layman in the county of Barbirwickshire?

The Lab

Post 68

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Beam Man zips over to Inkwash]

[Beam Man] I'll take you on!

[[Beam Laser]]

[Beam Man fires a laser beam at Inkwash.]


[YK finds himself cornered by Komodos.]

[YK] Damn. Ah, well ... [begins slicing around with his lightsaber]

The Lab

Post 69

The Krylma Leader

*The Komodo Dragon Warriors who had been chasing YK gracefully dodge all of the slices YK produces, and draw their own weapons: four swords each*

*Meanwhile, the troops that had been prevented from battling their person all run towards Inkwash. Inkwash is suddenly looking at a battle where he is outnumbered 1 to 38*

The Lab

Post 70

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard] :

Thanks for letting use take care of these intruders, KL! We won't let you down!

[Clipboard and the CR Atmos charge at thier opponents, swords/blades drawn.]

The Lab

Post 71

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*deflects plasma blast with lightsaber*

You enjoy plaing dirty, don't you?smiley - winkeye

*does a forward flip over CR, landing behind it, then rolls and stands up facing its back*

*aims a stab at its back*

The Lab

Post 72

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[The CR Atmos parries her stab with a grappleing cable, then turns around and strikes at her with it's Scythe-blades. All while saying "Why, I have no idea what you could possibly mean."]

The Lab

Post 73

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] [over public broadband] KL, would you care to explain to me why you're not letting STUMPED members fight their own individual battles?

[Beam Man] Yeah! I wanted to fight Inkwash!

[Double Man] And /I/ wanted to fight YK!

[YK] [slicing the swords of the Komodos to bits (I'm assuming they're metal since you never specified otherwise. smiley - winkeye)] Yeah! And /I/ wanted to survive this!

[Double Man] [under breath] Damn ...

[Dylan] [still over public broadband] It's kinda annoying, you see; not only are you denying the participants their fun, you're also getting a little bit over your bounds, continuity-wise. Oh, by the way, don't mind the large airship that's flying over STUMPED Stadium with a full, three-thousand-gallon tank of Continuity Bleach ... unless you want it to empty its contents.

[Battery Man] [looking out window] There isn't one.

[Dylan] [PB] Damn! I knew there was something I'd forgotten to arrange ...

The Lab

Post 74

The Krylma Leader

Stepping over the Continuity borders? Um, okay, I'll try to stop, but how was I doing it? Special Agent Chameleon contacted Krylma Mountain to send down the special troops, and they've only been demonstrating the powers that they've had before.

But, you do have a point about letting people fight their own battles. Just wish *I* could get in on the fun once in a while. smiley - winkeye

*The 72 Krylma Troops collectively sigh, receive special orders, and head back toward the door, now doing nothing but creating a human wall to block the heroic progress*

The Lab

Post 75

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Beam Man] Great ... [fires his laser beam again]

[[Beam Laser]]

The Lab

Post 76


Doges to the side and tries a karati kick towards Cipbords side.

"Ok how do we determen when someones won?"

The Lab

Post 77

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*parries the CR's blows, then with a reckless leap kicks herself forward and crashes in its side, unbalancing it*

The Lab

Post 78

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*parries the CR's blows, then with a reckless leap kicks herself forward and crashes in its side, unbalancing it*

The Lab

Post 79

Dizzy H. Muffin

Pure RP, since there's no coded battle system. Basically, "who gets tired of fighting first". Although, if you read Online Life regularly ...

The Lab

Post 80

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard gets hit by red sky and tumbles along the ground, landing in a heap. He starts to get back to his feet.

[The CR Atmos takes Sgt's jumps kick, but keeps it's balence. It says "I'm pill bug shaped, not very easy to unbalence".]

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