A Conversation for Center for the Development of Anti-Dog Technology
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Ding Dong
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Aug 16, 2001
*Granny lands after ending aniseed trail at local dog pound, walks up behind Sea and adds the word FRIED to sign*
Ding Dong
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 16, 2001
*turns around*
oh, hi, GW! i didn't see you come up.... just washing the walls and watering the plants...
Ding Dong
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Aug 16, 2001
Hello sea, *opens magic rucksak* have a , nice line in sign you've got on your back. Why don't you have it made into a t shirt?
Ding Dong
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 17, 2001
sign? what sign?!
*rips sign off back*
ahh, well, i DO like fried dogs. that's the best way, you know. funny, i can't imagine where that came from... but you're right, it WOULD make a nice T shirt.
Ding Dong
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 17, 2001
*A cacaphony of barking can be heard from the direction of the dog pound. It slowly increases in volume until a large pack of dogs can be seen following some sort of trail. The pack runs right up to the broom leaning against the wall, then mills about.*
Ding Dong
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 17, 2001
*sea considers turning the hose on them*
*sea tries NOT to turn the hose on them*
*sea turns the hose on them*
Ding Dong
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Aug 17, 2001
*Humming the Ride of the Valkyries, Granny jumps on her trusty broom and overflies the milling pooches and activates the magnets that are attached to the net the canines are milling, peeing and sniffing on.
Changing her tune to 'The First Cut is the Deepest' Granny flies off to the vets *
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Red (and a bit grey) Dog Posted Aug 18, 2001
~ A flight of Sopwith Pups on combat air patrol peels away and follows departing broomstick ~
~ Maverick air-2-air missiles are armed ~
~ The theme song from 633 squadron is heard ~
Tally-ho chaps - bunch of bananas on the ceiling. Lets get these kites moving.
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 18, 2001
er.... /yeah/....
i suppose this would be a good time to mention the 6 foot thick admantium-reinforced walls...
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Clelba Posted Aug 18, 2001
*hides behind pot plant, shooting at any random dogs that walk past*
^. .^
= ' =
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Red (and a bit grey) Dog Posted Aug 19, 2001
~Mavericks are armed, programmed to `Broom-mode` and released~
~The missiles streak across the intervening distance between the Sopwiths and the Broom~
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 19, 2001
*A second Sopwith flys under the broom, ready to catch the net.*
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Red (and a bit grey) Dog Posted Aug 20, 2001
~the warning cry is lost is the roar of the rockets~
~the first maverick neatly snips the net`s hawser neatly dropping it`s cargo onto BBW`s pup`s upperwing~
~the second maverick flies straight up Granny`s exhaust. A dull thud and a sharp scream is heard. Onlookers cringe~
Blimey - that has to have hurt.
~the crippled broomstick spirals towards the ground. A singed pointed hat is seen to descend in flames. There is no sign of a parachute~
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 20, 2001
*BBW in a show of heroic sportsmanship, throws Granny his spare parachute. The dogs on his upper wing go wild.*
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Clelba Posted Aug 24, 2001
the person who invented the Sopwith plane was a slightly distant relative of mine...
*twangs a branch of a tree so niftily that any parachutes within twenty miles get tangled*
don't ask how.
^. .^
= ' =
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Aug 24, 2001
*Granny flies on giggling as the decoy broom hits the ground*
It was only my second-worst hat after all
*as the little old lady prepares to land on the vets roof, Lawrence of Purrabia herds the Sopwith Camels off into the wide, blue yonder*
Tally-Ho Bandits at 12 o`clock high
Clelba Posted Aug 25, 2001
did i or did i not say *all* brooms in the area? if i didn't, i mean to.
^. .^
= ' =
Key: Complain about this post
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Ding Dong
- 21: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Aug 16, 2001)
- 22: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 16, 2001)
- 23: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Aug 16, 2001)
- 24: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 17, 2001)
- 25: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 17, 2001)
- 26: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 17, 2001)
- 27: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Aug 17, 2001)
- 28: Red (and a bit grey) Dog (Aug 18, 2001)
- 29: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 18, 2001)
- 30: Clelba (Aug 18, 2001)
- 31: Red (and a bit grey) Dog (Aug 19, 2001)
- 32: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 19, 2001)
- 33: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 19, 2001)
- 34: Red (and a bit grey) Dog (Aug 20, 2001)
- 35: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 20, 2001)
- 36: Clelba (Aug 24, 2001)
- 37: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Aug 24, 2001)
- 38: Clelba (Aug 25, 2001)
- 39: Clelba (Aug 25, 2001)
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