A Conversation for Center for the Development of Anti-Dog Technology
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soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Jan 7, 2005
Certainly! Things have been a bit quiet around here, but feel free to stir up trouble if you feel bored.
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Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Jan 11, 2005
*blinks* Wow, that's one amazing resurrection. Dead for how long, and then ~poof~ back to life? Wow!
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soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Jan 21, 2005
Who, moi? *bats eyelashes* I'm always lurking about /somewhere/...
(Can't have the s thinking I'm not being vigilant... Only g*d knows what might happen!!!)
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