A Conversation for Center for the Development of Anti-Dog Technology
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Apollo Started conversation Jun 4, 2002
*borg drones transport in and begin assimilating all technology*
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Big Bad Werewolf Posted Jun 4, 2002
*Fires his turd-hurler at the drones.*
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Apollo Posted Jun 4, 2002
*drones see cat and dog working together... start to get worried...*
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Big Bad Werewolf Posted Jun 6, 2002
*Still firing his turd hurler non-stop. One of the drones hides behind the air conditioner. BBW turns to fire at it.*
Okay, now the turds are really going to hit the fan.
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Apollo Posted Jun 6, 2002
*drones scatter helplessly, one thinking to turn off the air conditioner. Not in time to prevent the turd-hurler's impact, but in time to make the room extremely hot and the turds less solid*
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