A Conversation for Silver Sword - Dark Forest of Quavia

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 321


: "Owch." His pride is smiley - injured folks, but he is not hurt mortally. *A (comedic drum + cymbal combo. goes off to indicate reaching a punchline).* smiley - doh "Not you guys too." *sigh*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 322


: Anything going on, -over here?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 323

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

*Spooky things lurk in the forest*
no not really

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 324


[Sharp]: (thinks) : Time to try out this 'one-man lumberjack' device I was working on.
*starts up the steam-driven and pulley powered sawing/cutting machine & uses it to fell down just a few a few trees (making sure to plant some new seedlings in order to replace for every 1 cut down,-2 new ones).*
"smiley - ok"
*Shuts off machine. Drags the logs and the machine back to the back "front yard" of the Rx*
It takes him a very long time and by then he is pretty much exhausted.

*exits dark forest*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 325


[Sharp]: *picks purple moss and a specific type of blue mushrooms (for potions, you see*
smiley - whistle
*Puts them in a basket & gathers more herbs*
smiley - musicalnote
"Say...what have we here?"
*Fetches a spade some other traveler must have misplaced*
(thinks) :Useful.
*uses the trowel to dig up some medicinal roots and bits of clay from a layer of undersoil, as well as some earthy pigments.*
*His basket full of what he had went searchinf for, Sharp heads back home (to the Rx).*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 326

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - winkeye

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 327

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

(Male Lightning Halfling Wizard Gandark Underhill) Gandark enters the Dark Forest and wanders around lost for several hours trying to find a particular spot. At last he finds the place, but not until it's well past after dark. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=1574992 Nerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 328


: And that there was a verry nice thematic transition too, btw
[Sharp]: *Wanders about in the dark with his lantern, this way and that... his armlet still glinting every once in awhile. He is still not quite sure where exactly treasure might be or a rare item might be kicking about, but does figure that if he assumes the perspective of one (for a moment) it might help.*

"Hmm... if I were a spell book or a mysterious trainer, where would I lurk, huh?"

*Digs up some specific roots and picks some known herbs in the moonlight, placing them into his basket for potion ingredients later when he gets back to the Rx.*

"Oh well..."

*starts to head back, having a bit of trouble shaking the feeling that he may have been watched the entire time*

: smiley - whistle

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 329

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

you know, I actually didn't mind reading that for once. smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 330


: Good; it only took several kinds of getting bashed-in (smiley - skull) @ various MUDs for me to learn to type up/write an alright narrative and/or post. smiley - doh }Fwap!{ smiley - rofl

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 331

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

so you're into MUDs are you? ever did any MUD-building?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 332


: smiley - huh I did mess around with a questionable translated free-ware version of Japanese RPG Maker software once, but it wound up giving my computer a nasty type of virus (called Never Trojan, or something like that if I remember right, smiley - doh) that sent it out of commision for awhile. Took the shop a whole two months to be able to fix the mess/thing. [I] like playing them, if that's what you mean...

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 333

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

O I C. gotta be careful what you put on your compy, that's for sure. I once got this nasty thing called "WebHancer" that still isn't entirely off, but I've removed enough of it that it's inert now. (meaning it can't harm my computer and isn't going anywhere) it destroyed my internet explorer though. But I just downloaded a new version and everything's back the way it was. Sure had me worried when it happened though. Twas about a year ago.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 334

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

um, a new version of internet explorer, not of webhancer smiley - laugh but no I use firefox.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 335


: Right. One time we had over one of those type of people who feels it is just fine to tinker with fine tuning your personal settings to a computer while they are using it (without asking you) and they left this obnoxious thing called an MBWK bar that had a thing called backweb and other God Awful Spybots built into it to be able to go back and forth ad continuum... and try as i might, even though the thing itself is gone from my little brother's desk top and it no longer can go online it still has 5 stubbornly embedded files in there I can't seem to get rid of smiley - grr. smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 336

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

*Josh walks into forest* hmm spooky but I need to get throu

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 337


[Anole]: *suddenly hangs in front of Josh by his leg on a low tree branch*
"Hello. Lovely forest, no?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 338

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake


Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 339

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

I need to get to the other side

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 340


[Anole]: I'm not standing in your way.
*drops from the tree and flips to land on his feet*

Next time you first post in a new thread use the format (Gender Element Race Class Name) to introduce your character. That way Nerd won't come after you smiley - rofl. He's been after me about before.

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