A Conversation for Silver Sword - Dark Forest of Quavia

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 301

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - boingFlunk looks at the coal sideways and says, "Flunk smoosh!"

He jumps on some of the coal repeatedly, reducing it to coal dust.

Flunk laughs stupidly.

this mentally retarded giant is a cliche ... any players who choose giants as characters please do not be offended at this rather ... impaired member of the species
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 302


[Sharp]: *smiley - groans, smacking the side of his forehead.*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 303


[Sharp]: *holds up one of the sacks of still-undamaged coal*

"smiley - erm yes, why- That's very impressive..."

"But what I was (/am) asking,"
*squelches the tar in his other hand (feeling a bit smiley - silly as the egg-is-now-on-his-face, so to speak smiley - footinmouth)*
"...is if you can do Something Like That."

*shows Flunk using the (mock) demo. again*

"With your hand. To that."
*shows the sack of coal*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 304

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Flunk] smiley - boing Duh ... smiley - huh ... uhh ... smiley - eureka OK! smiley - biggrin

*Flunk takes a piece of coal in his large hands, and tries very hard to focus all his strength on it ... and very very slowly it begins to turn harder and harder ... he produces several stones that are almost diamonds, but his strength is not enough to restructure the molecules properly*

[Flunk] Hard rocks! Hard hard rocks! smiley - boing

[Gandark] *disappointed* Yes they are. We'd better keep these, perhaps we can find some other way to complete the process.

[Flunk] Flunk have pie? Pleeaaasseee???
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 305


[Sharp]: (To the lizard man): "smiley - ok, smiley - ok, so it didn't work."
*buys the cart-load for just one gold coin, since the lizard man is so terrified ("firsst thisss crazy mage guy again! Now a g-g-giant?!!!") that he takes off.*

(to Flunk):"Well thanks for trying. Here ya go, they're all yours."

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 306


[Sharp]: (thinks): maybe if we were to electrify the 'almost diamond'-coal...

: Back to the drawing board...
smiley - laugh.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 307

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Flunk] smiley - boing Yummy yummy yummy!!!

*Flunk makes a mess of eating several pies, gives up and wanders off aimlessly into the forest, quickly disappearing from sight*

[Gandark] Well, that was ... interesting ...
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 308


[Sharp]: "Uuuurrrr-Ghaaaaa!!!"
smiley - grr
*casts 'bolt' on the 'almost-diamond (but not quite)' coal.*

"There. That's better."
*calmed down. smiley - smiley*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 309


: are they 'diamonds' yet?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 310

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

take them with you on the quest - a solution may yet present itself

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 311


: smiley - ok

[Sharp]: *takes some of the 'near-diamond' coal with him.*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 312

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - wizard*Gandark does likewise*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 313


: Hoo-key. ... smiley - laugh Makes sense.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 314

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - rofl

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 315


[Sharp]: *w/out yelling this time, uses his smiley - wizarding scythe to chop down/'prune back' some 'out-of-hand' plant.*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 316


: Oops meant 'smiley - monsters'.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 317


[Sharp]: *practices some spells & scythe moves*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 318


: ...

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 319

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

reads pointless backlog

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 320


: Oh.

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