A Conversation for Silver Sword - Dark Forest of Quavia

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 221

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I was thinking of making just a seperate "Silver Sword Classifieds" page so the front page won't get crowded
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 222

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

by the way ... anybody gonna explore the graveyard? A6144301
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 223


: Maybe they're afraid that yer gonna kill 'em off smiley - skull...if'n they do smiley - yikes"smiley - run away!"
[Sharp]: Wha' the h*ll, I don't see why not...-Heck, I'll do it...
(What does the DM take me for, eh?)
...Just kidding

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 224

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

uhh ... was that in character or out of character?

This is out of character

This is in characer

< - that is the opening out of character tag

This is out of character, becauase its in between two OOC tags

this is the end out of characer tag - >

This is in character again, because it's outside OOC tags

got it?
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 225


: smiley - sorry Nerd42, I was trying to joke around (@ the time). Didn't realize quite how confusing it looked,-'till you brought that up.
smiley - doh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 226


It's ok thorn</>

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 227


: I'm glad.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 228


People mess up.</>

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 229

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - winkeye

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 230


[Anole]: Anyway, who wants more stew?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 231


[Sharp]: I'm full.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 232


[Sharp]: No thanks.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 233


[Anole] takes remainder and walks into the woods, and uncerimoniouly dumps it out, comes back with a the pot clean. Takes jerky off the rack and puts it in a series of pouches* "Who thinks it is time for bed?"

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 234


: The forums seem to be acting smiley - weirdly...They seem to not let me post any replies...smiley - huh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 235


Don't reply using the enter key, it works then.</>

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 236

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

oh shoot. I was going to have Gandark come and try to eat all your stew smiley - laugh perhaps y'all should consider waiting a day or so after you do something to see if other people react ... smiley - ok

Now he hasn't even a convienient excuse for finding the place ... or was he already here ... i forget! smiley - huh

smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 237


[sharp]: *put away some/his second 'seconds' when nobody was looking* in a jar. For later...

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 238


: Well, there was the matter of that little gnome... wonder how Gandark would react to him/'it'. ...

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 239

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

never mind, he's already over at the graveyard, after coming down the funeral trail thing from the cathedral from the marketplace. Maybe he'll explore the forest later ... looking for mushrooms possibly? smiley - laugh

Um, FYI, you don't have to tread softly around Gandark just because he's the DM's pet character. He can get injured and killed just like everybody else and isn't much different. I use him to tell the story and as an example character but mostly he's just so I get to have a little fun too, you know? smiley - winkeye

smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 240


: tread softly? I'm just trying to be a blunderingly arrogant, but well meaning mage...smiley - laugh

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