A Conversation for Silver Sword - Dark Forest of Quavia

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 181


[Sharp]: *casts flame-smiley - bats @ the rotting piles of now doubly-dead & killed again,(smiley - laugh) zombies*
*notices the plant/fungi guy near the campsite...*
"Um, Hello."

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 182


[Anole]: The forest will take care of it for us.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 183


[Sharp]: I sure hope so...
Wonder what it is that this guy wants,-you think he can talk?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 184


[Aeryn] *finds some silver chains and threw them into the pile*

*finds a gold chain and one small gold coin and pockets them both hoping Anole and Sharp didn't notice. She feels guilty briefly, but then reminds herself:*

(thinks) "You're a thief, dammit! Try to remember that!"

smiley - erm

*ignores guilty feeling, hoping it would feel unwanted and go away.*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 185


[sharp]: *working @ distributing the money,-evenly*
(To the strange little phyto-fungus person): "Would you like some stew? you can feel free to sit down w/the rest of us, if'n ye like."

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 186


[Anole]: I'm sick of this guy. *sticks the fungi/creature in a sack and ties it up with rope*
We can sell it now.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 187


[Aeryn]: (brightens up) How much dya think we can get for it?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 188


[Anole]: Don't know.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 189


[Sharp]: "smiley - bigeyes Hey, is that, yes it is! It's a spell, just sitting..."
*grabs it*: "There"
(to the 3): "...says 'chains' on it, why would something like a zombie be carrying a spell? That's what I wanna know."
: @ least it's a black smiley - magic spell smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 190


[Sharp]: "I dunno either, maybe we shoulda asked 'im why he came over here though? I mean, it's not really 'is fault that he's...smiley - weird."

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 191


[Sharp]: "Maybe all the battle-noise was what woke 'im up?"

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 192


[Aeryn]: (thoughtfully) Maybe it's edible

smiley - winkeye

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 193


[Anole]: Parhaps.

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 194


[Aeryn] *pokes bag* Oi! You edible?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 195


[Sharp]: Hang on... you think it would be good if we packed up and headed back to shop? Whatever that thing was,-if you look down, by where it was walking,"
*looks down to reinforce his point*
"...there's all these little bean-sprouts and stuff,-that weren't there already."

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 196


[Anole]: smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 197


[Sharp]: (To Anole): "Remember earlier, when you and I figured that it mighta been some sorta a b omb?"
*smiley - laughs*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 198


[Sharp]: *packs up stuff*

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 199


[Anole]: So what do we do with it?

Silver Sword - Dark Forest

Post 200


[Sharp]: " We-ell, whaddy-you guys wanna do with it? Eat the thing, sell it, study it...there're a lot of choices...(might be poisonous though, smiley - erm not so sure)"

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