A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 1

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Lizzie, I have the feeling that you already know this, so it should come as no surprise to you. *looks into the cat's eyes again* I know that you are a breed of cat called an "android". I know that you claim to be from beyond the stars. I know that you can talk. How do you respond to these statements?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 2

Witty Moniker

*Lizzie's eyes open wide and her jaw drops slightly.*

*She decides to say nothing until the cat reacts.*

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 3

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*turns to her daughter while waiting for the cat to respond* And I know that you told the cat - who could understand you all along - that you were an elf. And I know that Mr Gillings felt that was a credible statement. What is going on, Lizzie? Why would he believe such a thing?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 4

Witty Moniker

*Lizzie crumbles into a sobbing heap.*

Everything is such a mess!smiley - sadface I don't know why Mr. Gilling believes it. He just said he knows. I was just trying to fix things.smiley - cry You and Papa are so nice, you've been so good to me. I don't want to hurt you. It's so hard, you just don't know.smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 5

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*puts the cat on the bed, fixing it with a hard stare so that it doesn't leave, and pulls Lizzie into her arms*

There, there, dear. Papa and I appreciate that you are trying to make things easier on us. But we need to know what is going on so that we can help you.

*smooths the girl's hair and gives her a kiss on the top of the head* You are my little girl, no matter what happens, dear. And I am your mother. But I need you to know that you can trust me. You can tell me anything.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 6

Witty Moniker

*She allows herself to be cradled in Sarah's arms for a moment. She takes a deep breath and pushes herself away.*

I know I can trust you, but I don't need help. I've been trying to help ~you~. But it's all hopeless now. I can't do anything without your amulet. And we're never going to find it...

*She breaks into a new round of sobs.*

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 7

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*seems a bit startled by Lizzie's comment, but continues trying to comfort the girl*

We will find it, dear. The cat says that it is somewhere on the ship.

*thinks for a moment*

I have something to confess to you, Lizzie. I shouldn't tell you this - you are far too young to know yet - but after what I've done I might as well coninue down the same path I started on.

*pauses to think again*

The story that I told you earlier, about the kingdom trapped in the stone, was more fact than fiction. The pendant is a stone called the Soulstone - I have the feeling that you already know that though, as you said that you needed it. Well... My responsibilities to the stone have been weighing heavily on my mind since your birth. I did not want to pass this on to you. And I knew that it was unlikely that we would ever be able to help the Black Sorcerors that are trapped below the sea. So I threw it away into the ocean. But before I did that... Well, I told the stone to release all of its energy. There's no way to reverse it, either. And now the cat says that its back on the ship again. smiley - sigh We have to find it soon, Lizzie. We HAVE to.

*her face crumbles momentarily as she thinks of the danger she's put everyone in. then she regains control and looks her daughter in her eyes*

I need your help now, Lizzie. Yours and the cat's. More than I've ever needed it before. Can you held me find the Soulstone so that I can take care of it before anyone is hurt?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 8

Witty Moniker

*Lizzie settles down as Sarah explains the situation. Since Sarah's experiencess with the cat sound very similar to her own, she divulges what she knows. She looks at the cat, back at Sarah, and begins.*

Yes, Mother, I discovered that smiley - cat could talk quite by accident. Since she scrambles all over the ship, I asked if she would help me look for the soulstone. I knew it was very precious to you. smiley - cat and I agreed that it would be best if I didn't tell anyone she could talk. That's why I couldn't tell you. I made a promise.

But I didn't know how hard it would be to find a place I could talk to her safely. I finally got a chance to ask if she found it. *Furrows brow.* She told me you threw it over the rail!

I didn't know it was back. I don't think she was keeping the information from me. We just haven't had a chance to talk again.

Of course, I'll keep looking for it. Extra hard especially!

Could you explain a little bit more? You said you released the energy and cannot reverse it. I'm not sure what you mean, is the magic power gone from it?

And if the energy is gone, in what way is it so dangerous?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 9

soeasilyamused, or sea

*the cat is, understandably, stunned*

[cat] how long have you known this? who have you been talking to?! lorenzen, i suppose. is the amulet on the ship? i said that something had retrieved it from far away, with something like a tractor beam, but i was unaware that it could be on the ship... what would lorenzen want with the soulstone? he wants it very badly, you know.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 10

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*to the cat* No one has told me of your... secrets. I have found them out on my own.

*to both* As to the Soulstone, its importance and the danger that we are all in, those are much more complex matters.

The Soulstone holds the heart and power of Atlantis. As the... last remaining member of a religious caste of Atlantis, I have the power to release - explosively - the energy from an object at the time of my chosing. The Soulstone should be releasing its energy within the next two hours. Given how much power is in it, this could be very dangerous.

smiley - sigh So you see my delimna. I was only trying to do what was best for you and Papa, Lizzie. And now I seem to have made a mess of things...

*seems to do some soul searching while looking up at the ceiling, then turns back to Lizzie*

Now I've told you what I have done - the truth of the entire matter. It is your turn to tell me the truth. *glances to the cat* And you as well, puss.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 11

Witty Moniker

*Lizzie looks at the cat.*

You go first.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 12

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*waits patiently for one or the other to start talking. strokes the cat, as if to soothe herself*

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 13

soeasilyamused, or sea

*the cat enjoys being petted, and takes a deep breath*

[cat] i am a 2000 year old android from another planet. i was originally sent to peru to do some sort of assessment - what kind, i do not know. i was trapped in a landslide and some of my systems had to be shut down for me to be able to get out. and, unfortunately, i had to shut down my assessment systems. i have been unable to find enough energy to charge my batteries enough to be able to restart those systems, so i've been waiting for earth technology to progress.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 14

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*tries to take in everything she was just told. is still unsure what breed of cat an android is and what "systems" means for a cat*

If we get you more... power... would that help you be able to find the Soulstone more easily?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 15

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

*the cat thinks*

[cat] perhaps, though i'm not sure. do either of you happen to know if there is anyone on the ship who communicates with people OFF the ship? let's see. i know lorenzen doesn't have the stone. nor do you two, or me. could uli have it? or that stowaway woman? or gillings?

*the cat thinks a bit more*

[cat] okay, let's start here: has anyone seen any of the crew acting funny, or seen anything terribly strange?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 16

Witty Moniker

*Except for the fact that she is 3 years old, you would thing Lizzie is being sarcastic.*

You mean like a talking mechanical cat?

Everyone is skulking about, whispering, seeing things, hearing things.

Seriously, though... Mr. Martens is looking for something called the Raven. He doesn't know what or who it is, but he says it is very important. And possible dangerous.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 17

soeasilyamused, or sea

*the cat frowns*

[cat] raven? sounds tasty. smiley - winkeye just kidding. i haven't heard about this "raven" thing...

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 18

Witty Moniker

I suppose its possible that the Raven might be the soulstone. But I don't know.

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 19

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Possibly. *frowns in thought* Unfortunately, everyone seems to be acting strangely these days. Except your papa of course, Lizzie, and Mr Goodschad...

Mr Gillings is the one that disturbs me the most right now. What did you two talk to him about earlier?

Private Conversation between the Captain's Wife and Lizzie

Post 20

Witty Moniker

*Lizzie crosses her legs and pats her lap, beckoning smiley - cat to come to her for a smiley - cuddle*

He is looking for an artifact he thinks Papa might have found. He said that it is an odd cross, plated with gold and encrusted with jewels. If he finds it he would know the location of the fifth lost cross of Ur.

He said he is a treasure hunter and signed on the ship specifically to find it.

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