A Conversation for Central US Researchers Group

Central States Researchers

Post 101


we interrupt this thread to bring you this important bulletin smiley - silly

friar, the bigdawg has just joined us from chicago smiley - biggrin he is currently working on a comprehensive guide to chicago, if anyone has any information for him or would like to help out, please see him. he has a thread here somewhere... ah, here it is: F72532?thread=194394

and i've asked if he might have any suggestions for a chicago meet-up!

i hope none of you are melting this summer, i know i'm coming close smiley - wah

we now return you to your regular conversation smiley - winkeye

Central States Researchers

Post 102



I live in Morton, Il, and would like to join in with you fellows!

Central States Researchers

Post 103

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Is that where they make Morton's salt? smiley - bigeyes

Central States Researchers

Post 104


hello mystrunner! and welcome smiley - smiley where is morton?

i've been meaning to get by here for *ages* and make some updates, i feel so neglectful! i should have some time this weekend to update the page and make some notes on the ever-more-possible meet up next spring (yay!). altho i know it's no excuse i have been terribly busy, and this isn't the only group i've spent a lot of time neglecting lately smiley - erm

so: i'm going to go thru and make some updates this weekend, if anyone's come across anything they'd like to see included this time around let me know! i know there are two more st louis related articles since my last update, but only because i wrote one of them and the other is on the front page today (anita blake A824401 , i'd reccommend the books with the disclaimer that they can be an aquired taste but quite fun if that's your thing).

i'll be around over the weekend smiley - smiley i hope everyone's having a lovely fall and enjoying the foliage smiley - pumpkin

Central States Researchers

Post 105


Nope, no morton salt, or morton buildings. It's a pretty useless place. Near Peoria, Illinois.

Central States Researchers

Post 106


you're about three hours north of me smiley - smiley

and better yet, you're now on the page!

along with the most recent update which includes loads of new entries. i decided to look for famous people, groups and events that are from or took place in our region, so lots of new additions are along those lines. and i've put a bit about our upcoming meet in the opening paragraphs. after halloween (when i take off my halloween costume) i may put something in my nick about it, or i may hold off until after the new year in favor of seasons greetings. anyone else is, of course, welcome to do likewise smiley - biggrin

also... for a future update i'd like to include entries that concern our region in general, there are some entries that have come up again and again in my searches but aren't necessarily tied to any one state so i haven't included them yet. i haven't made a note of which ones they are yet, but i know the final four conference is one, and prairie home companion among others. so if you know of something that falls into this category and is an edited or recommended entry, please bring it to my attention. thanks!!

Central States Researchers

Post 107



I'm thinking about creating a Central Illinois Researcher's Group... or maybe just Illinois.

Central States Researchers

Post 108


there are several illinois researchers around... if you get something together let me know, i'm about 5 minutes away from illinois right now... just a quick swim across the creek smiley - smiley
... on second thought maybe i'll just drive across the bridge!

i've just added darth zaphod to our page smiley - biggrin
she's in nebraska smiley - ok

Central States Researchers

Post 109


Hello all!! I live in the deathly boring Gothenburg, Nebraska. Please let me join. I would be honored!!!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Central States Researchers

Post 110

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - yikes

Peoria? That's the home of the *whispers here in a voice full of reverance* the.. the... scrapbook warehouse!!

Drops in a dead faint smiley - bruised While visions of scrapbooking supplies fly around her head along with the required cartoon star and cheeping birds...

Central States Researchers

Post 111


hmmm... just can't get into the whole scrapbooking thing. bought all the stuff, have enough pictures, cool wavy scissors, hole punchers, pre-cut frames and graphics, nifty paper, acid-free glue and photo corners... i even have the scrapbooks themselves. and *bags* of stuff i've set aside to put in scrapbooks someday. no time. i spend it all here smiley - winkeye

chauncey, i would be delighted to add you to the page! hopefully i'll get that done today, if not it will definitely be this week. i meant to get you up there last week, but didn't (as you can see). glad to have you!

Central States Researchers

Post 112


Thank you!! Great to be here!!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Central States Researchers

Post 113

the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break

Chauncey, I swear I'm not stalking you smiley - smiley
Anywho I am from Farmington Missouri, the home of the high school with cows grazing in the football feild, and I would love to join your group. Although I can't think of anything Missouri-ish(is that a word?)enough or Farmingtonian like that is exciting enough to post, I'm sort of a cartoon guy. The only thing we have here is Country Days which has starred Dolly Parton and Waylon Jennings among others. And, no, that does not make me happy. I am not a country fan. But I can hear the concerts all the way to my house.
Enough rambling, except me or I shall......I dunno......but it will be bad.

Central States Researchers

Post 114

the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break

Chauncey, I swear I'm not stalking you smiley - smiley
Anywho I am from Farmington Missouri, the home of the high school with cows grazing in the football feild, and I would love to join your group. Although I can't think of anything Missouri-ish(is that a word?)enough or Farmingtonian like that is exciting enough to post, I'm sort of a cartoon guy. The only thing we have here is Country Days which has starred Dolly Parton and Waylon Jennings among others. And, no, that does not make me happy. I am not a country fan. But I can hear the concerts all the way to my house.
Enough rambling, acccept me or I shall......I dunno......but it will be bad.

Central States Researchers

Post 115

the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break

ummmm...sorry i posted the same thing twice, you see i am computer stupid, so please forgive me.

Central States Researchers

Post 116


Hey tony!!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

Central States Researchers

Post 117


hey tony! consider yourself accepted smiley - biggrin sorry it's taken me so long to get around to replying, i'm on a sabbatical of sorts. at any rate, i've added you to the page (and i'm absolutely thrilled to have some company under the Missouri heading!).

we've been having a somewhat lethargic discussion about getting together next spring... the relevant conversation will be found here: F72532?thread=165918&latest=1 if you think you might like to meet up or have any ideas feel free to jump in anywhere.

hello to the rest of you, and merry christmas! i hope everyone's thanksgiving was agreeable. if you don't see me around much for the next few weeks don't worry, i'll get back into the swing of it after the new year. i wish you all happy and SAFE holidays smiley - santa

Central States Researchers

Post 118


hello all! i hope everyone's had a safe and happy new year smiley - smiley

not much to report for an update: psychocandy has joined us, and there is a new conversation just for the chicago meet at F72532?thread=235872&latest=1.

i've updated the intro to the front page with a link to the sign-up thread, and we'll have an announcement in smiley - thepost or on the community events page soon!

Central States Researchers

Post 119


Hi, I'm Ceruleanshipper, and I'd like to join Central States Researchers. I just visited the ongoing Chicago site project, and am happy to report that I can supply useful information on:
--The University of Chicago
--The Museum of Science and Industry
--The Art Institute of Chicago
--The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), operator of the city buses and the El
--Various Chicago neighborhoods, including:
Hyde Park
Washington Park
(but I can give very short summaries of many of the neighborhoods smiley - smiley)
--Comparisons of various Chicago-style places
and other such things.

Central States Researchers

Post 120


Hi, I'm Ceruleanshipper, and I'd like to join Central States Researchers. I just visited the ongoing Chicago site project, and am happy to report that I can supply useful information on:
--The University of Chicago
--The Museum of Science and Industry
--The Art Institute of Chicago
--The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), operator of the city buses and the El
--Various Chicago neighborhoods, including:
Hyde Park
Washington Park
(but I can give very short summaries of many of the neighborhoods smiley - smiley)
--Comparisons of various Chicago-style places
and other such things.

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