A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14861

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Malaba takes a sip of the coke, feeling that the sugar is helping*

I think so. I hope she's not so dumb that she just ignores it.

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14862

Malabarista - now with added pony

*For a moment, MacAlpine thinks about remaining seated, but finally gets up as well*

It was nice talking to you, Ambassador. Good Watch to you, too.

*He picks up his coffee cup*

I must go, myself. I need to have dinner before it's time to get ready for Fourth Watch.

*He nods to Eli, then walks off, returning his cup to the counter*

What a pompous git! Pshaw, civilians! </>

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14863

Otus Nycteus

* Rose smiles at Sam and helps herself to a modest amount of all the food - she doesn't want to feel too stuffed to work. She leans over to Sam. *

I'd better make sure I get a good work-out soon, too. </>

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14864

Otus Nycteus

* Eli returns his teacup and leaves the Observation Deck, still amused by the encounter. *

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14865

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Sam laughs and starts to whisper back, when she sees Sophie's Look and straightens up, answering normally*

Oh, you don't need it, you're fine.

*Sebastian, sitting across from them, chimes in*

You work so hard anyway!

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14866


*Kyra sculls most of her beer*

Me too.

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14867

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Malaba has calmed down, mostly, and looks at Kyra sideways while she rolls her tin of coke between her hands*

She'd better, anyway.

*She wonders how Kyra can look like a *normal* person drinking beer if all that is true*

I'd best - I mean, I've taken up so much of your time, anyway...

*She holds her hand out to the dog, hoping to pet it again before she leaves*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14868


*Kyra shakes her head*

Come back anytime.

*Frankie puts her paws on Malaba's knees and sniffs her face*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14869

Otus Nycteus

* Rose realises she's sinned against Larris protocol, and smiles apologetically at Sophie. She gives Sam a quick smile before turning to Sebastian. *

No harder than anyone else in Shuttle Maintenance, Sergeant.

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14870

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Malaba ruffles the dog's ears*

Thank you, ma'am. Good watch.

*She stands up, saying something to Frankie softly*

What shall I do with the tin, ma'am?

*She's emptied it already*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14871


*Kyra takes it from Malaba, and stands up as well*


*She opens the door for her*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14872

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Sebastian gives a grunt of annoyance - not at Rose, but because the spaghetti refuse to wrap around his fork properly*

I wouln't be so sure of that...

*He looks up at her briefly, smiling*

*Sophie, meanwhile, is conferring with Sylvana and Sarah at one end of the table, Sean is explaining something complicated to Simon with the help of the salt cellar, their water glasses, and a few bits of dinner roll arranged in a diagram on the plain, white tablecloth, Quirinus is putting away enourmous amounts of salad, and William and Sebastian are having a rather futile discussion about who gets the last of the spaghetti, as there is already a new bowl circulating at the other end of the table*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14873

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Malaba hopes the fact that she's been crying doesn't show, she doesn't want people noticing - especially not Mr Hagman*

Good Watch, ma'am.

*She walks back down to the stables briskly, intent on sending the letter off before she can change her mind*

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14874

Otus Nycteus

* Rose returns Sebastian's smile before returning her attention to her own spaghetti. After swallowing a mouthful she tursn to Sam again. *

So, what do you do to work out?

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14875

Otus Nycteus

* When Eli returns to the guest suites on A-Deck, he just sees Malaba round the far corner. Slightly bemused, he walks over to Kyra's quarters and activates the announcer. *

Kyra? It's me.

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14876

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Sam takes a drink of water before she answers, then discreetly sets the glass down on the tomato sauce she's spattered onto the tablecloth*

Well, I go swimming with the others, sometimes. But mostly, the regular Security training is enough, that's two hours every day!

*She smiles ruefully*

I have a lot of catching up to do, there.

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14877


*Kyra had just sat down when she hears Eli at the door. She smiles, and Frankie runs around frantically. Kyra gets up and opens the door*


Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14878

Otus Nycteus

* Rose gives Sam a sympathetical smile. *

I can imagine. But is Security training that tough?

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14879

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles at Kyra. *

Hi, how are you?

* He bows down to catch Frankie and pets her affectionately. *

Beta rpg, Book the Fifth

Post 14880


*Kyra shrugs and moves back from the door*

I'm okay.

*She sits back down in the armchair and curls up comfortably*

How're things?

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