A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
Ray: :, "No, I do think that you and him make a good couple. I mean-you're both (searches for a word to tactfully replace 'evil')...
Uh, ambitious (yeah, that's it! Nice save
The two are waiting eagerly...(even evil people like to receive an occasional compliment...sometimes)
"Yes? What?"
Ray: "Both..."
*searches for a word , a suitable phrase, gives up, but they are at this point both fallen for his trick.*
"Both, , Why yes-You both have a shared interest,-a penchant toward creating property destruction at the 'land-mass' scale."
[Both villains are completely stumped. Neither of them had any way of seeing this coming.]
They want to make an aside.
"Um, Ray, Buddy-pal, you mind if we have-A moment alone for a sec."
[One is to note the size of the really quite impressive looking set of rocks imbedded into the engagement ring of Ray's former ex-girlfriend. That is because she is/has become the evil space-warlord drummer's fiancee.Small world, eh (& never a dull-moment-if only that were true ?]
[The camera bot follows them anyway and they are unaware].
Drummer: "You think we should invite him on the guest lisst to our wedding?"
Ex: "Um, let me get back to you on that one later, (Well, at least there would be the publicity...
Hmm....)? Oh, Drat!"
(To Ray Starr): "I realized something. You've just done another one of those 'cleverly masked just insulted me (again) thingies'. I'm insulted (duh)." (ed too)
Ray: <> "um, when did you,-first notice?"
Ex: "Darling..."
Drummer: "...Yes?"
Ex: "Crush him for me,-?"
Drummer: "Like a bug. But first though , Hey Ray, you got to go and be some sorta galactic celebrity after the band broke up? That is so
,-can I have your autograph?"
Ray Starr: "How would you like it to be inscribed?"
*gets out and clicks an ever ready-almost always with him ballpoint.*
Drummer: (, make mine an 8"X10" please) : "Um, This may seem awkward, but could you make it for both me and my fiancee please (
pal, sometimes that's just life)?"
Ray: <>
[Signs it fancifully, with enviably-calligraphied lettering].
Drummer: "Hey-Look honey, I got him to sign it for the both of us. Isd that or what?"
(Then to Ray): "Aw, thanks man."
Ray: *Almost shrugs, but then 'thinks better of it'.*
Ex: *snaps out of the fame-glow bubble*
"You idiot! You're supposed to be killing him. Why'd you go and get his autograph for?!"
Drummer: () : *shrugs
", right...Well,
ol' pal, I suppose this'll mean you probably aren't going to be getting to make it then, to the next band reunion for Green Nebula..."
Ray:"Nope. Guess not..."
[jumps 20 feet in the air with his long grasshopperman legs].
[Just in time too, because he was just about to get hit in the head with a large wooden ceremonial mallet...]
Drummer: "...Of Death."
There is a large very noticeable pothole-like dent in the ground from where the hammer had hit. As the dust and rubble-clears however, they find that:
Drummer: "What the " *Does a double-take*
"Where'd he go?
"& I should know too"
*s at his own joke*
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
Drummer and Ex: (A bit nervously) : "Hey, wait! how long has that camera been on for?"
Camerabot: *shrugs*
Drummer and his fiancee: "What do you mean you don't know?"
[:] : "It was/is 'live feed' sirs...,-I mean sir and one madam (& also, please don't hurt me. I've got a mother circuitboard to take care of at home). For some reason, the 'button' seems to have gotten stuck."
Both villains: "You mean it won't Shut-off?!"
[:]: "Yep, I'm afraid so?"
The Two villains: ", neat studio you've got here tucked away ____(actual location gets blotted out). We'd love to stay and chat Ray, -Buddy, but
, lookit the time! We gotta go and uh...have planets and empires that we need to go and conquer,-and plan out our honeymoon and stuff...No hard feelings right-y-oh? Bye!" *they both take off but, mess up and make a mistake*
"Oh, exit stage left...not stage right." << gotcha>>
*both (finally) really exit...or start to*
[they both abruptly take off, thoroughly embarassed].
Ray Starr: *mutters* "Good riddance..."
To the camera bot and the other off-stage staff people: "Now where was I?"
Narrator: (finally comes to) : ", what the h*ll just happened?!"
Ray: "Trust me, You really do not want to know."
[then as an afterthought]: ", now we need to find another actor to play the alien warlord. the drummer from my old band was good at it...because he really was one (
[The audience s while the credits roll by, as if nothing out of the ordinary had gone on (Mayhap because the 'film' has just now reached/given it's 'end of transmission signal.')
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
End OF 'Off-shoot:' - EPISODE two. : "Wahahahaha!"
Then, " wait you mean it's already over? I didn't even get to have that many good lines. Sheesh."
[You can hear the narrators sudden footsteps]
>> <<
They have both been beaned on the head with that one certain leftover mallet (...OF -Death )
Narrator: (mimicking the 2 villains): " 'Cuz,...That's what -You- get."
[Writes down , while reading out loud, in a straightforward and professional manner]: ", mail to: Somewhere quite a bit similar in climate,-...To siberia. I think that FiveEvif 5 would be good. It's the one in their home-system that is nearly most furthest from the suns there." *pays postage, (gladly
"Hey Taxi!"
*hails a cab*
"Yeah, where to?"
Narrator: "You know of anywhere where they can make a really good Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster?"
"Well, I can think of one place..."
End tape (almost 42 seconds later).
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
Yes! .
I just hope it wasn't so confusing as to getting folks lost. +
Please .
Ray Starr: *plays some jazz improv. on his electric-stringed alien instrument*:
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
Somewhere out in space...
An ning alien warlord is practicing using his drumset (...Of Death
[Comedic drum cymbal combo. goes off to indicate his punchline].
Ex: "Dear! I wasn't kidding around!"
[Comedic drum cymbal combo. goes off to indicate his punchline].
Ex: "Heloo! Are you listening...to me?!"
*puts on an external sound blocking-headset(like the kind that some musicians, and alot of pilots'll use, y'know)to listen to a different kind of .*
Evil drummer: Sends off a small phone call/'e(vil)-mail' to Ray Starr:
To: Ray* (mark, I repeat) @ galactivision,
channel42 ,etc. Improbability street, Wherevertheh*ll it is that yer studio is @, etc.etc.
Re: Wedding
So, yeah, she says is just fine with the band coming by for a reunion performance during/outside the reunion.
The drummer
(then loudly to his fiancee): "Isn't that right!"
Ex: "..."
*s the tune to what she is listening to, in order to moreso avoid having to hear the drum practicing on their scary-looking battleship.*
<<, yeah yeah, I should go and
-whatever dear.
Both @ the same time <>
<<: uh-huh.>>
! etc.
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
[the series themesong for 'off-shoot plays' It's a 'Latinified version' "dance remix." Just for kicks.]
Narrator: "Owch" , "I do not think that that is so very funny."
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 11, 2005
Narrator: "Though now that you mention it"
(*Temporarily forgets shin-pain*):
"It is rather catchy..."
*snaps his fingers*
Can be heard -ing.
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
[This is repeat...I repeat }}Fzzt!-Zzt!{{ not a te-tes-test.]
Narrator: "It's the start of the third episode of 'Off-shoot:'."
subtitle: [With dramatic sounding 'adventure' music in the background] Episode 3: Where Were We (about to go)... (, good question
[The Shumai and The Mako are finishing up their match. It would seem that despite The Mako having an obviously superior advantage in terms of firepower, (and perhaps even a more experienced pilot), It is not without good effort that BragKi is able to evenly match Razor. Though Razor Ecg is a younger pilot, the sheer amount of talent he has would make it so that...]
Robot Satellite Remote Judge: [:] :" It seems as though the two appear to be approximately evenly matched in skill."
Bragki: (Thinks) : Alright kid, you've done good so far...
"But Are you ready to bite the dust right where the others did?! Huh!"
*starts having the robot dsuite charge up for a 'Super Attack combo.'*
Razor Ecg: (Thinks) : Gee, that's not good.
"Hey, thanks for the bit of a warning,-But I don't need it."
A particle cannon on the Mako is charging, collecting the 'well, whatever energy it is that those things use'-(yeah, that).
}Phz!{ }Phuumphumphuphuphuphuphuuuuum{ }bLAAA-AAAAAMPH!{
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
BragKi: "Is the match over?"
[It is now apparent that as the ridiculously large beam surges forward, that either Razor and the Shumai were completely vaporized or...]
Razor Ecg: "You missed."
[With the remaining Grapplerang, Razor has the Shumai deliver its 'Electric finisher.']
RSRJ: "Razor Ecg is the winner."
Narrator: "Later..."
[Razor Ecg & the alien Warlord BragKi shake hands and after swapping some stories he permisses Razor Ecg to be allowed to travel even deeper into his sector of the asteroid field]
BragKi: "And if anybody gives you any sort of trouble over it,-I'll...make them change their mind (let's just say, ?). That was one of the best 'space matches' I've had in some time."
Razor: "Thanks. I could pick up a thing or two, in terms of technique, from somebody like you..."
[The Freighter 4Leaf Clover and the Battleship Mu each go on their separate way].
Razor Ecg: *turns on the 'radio' to have some music to listen to during the space-journey*
Robot: "Where are we headed next Sir?"
Razor Ecg: "To the Spacebar port at the Collosus Station."
Robot: "The Collosus station?! , I heard it was
full of and
by a filthy lot of space
Razor: "Ah, but robot-you forget...that I am also a space , (so
Robot: (not much better 'relieved' by that): ", Eh-heh. Right sir."
Razor: "Robot?..."
Robot: "Yessir?"
Razor: "Please stop calling me sir."
Robot: " sir, I will... I mean
*both at that*
End episode 3
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
*the credits roll by as the theme plays*
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
Narrator: Next time on 'Off-Shoot:',
"All's not quite well at the space-barport on the Collosus Station... or is it? Find out in Episode 5: ' On the Rocks'
See you there!"
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
[The theme to 'Off-shoot:' plays]
Narrator: Last time on 'Off-shoot':
[A very brief recap]:
Razor: "Ah, but robot-you forget...that I am also a space , (so
Robot: "Eh-heh..."
[Dramatic musical score-bit for the introduction]
Subtitle: Episode 5: ", On the Rocks"
[The Freighter 4Leaf Clover can be seen nearing the Space Station Colossus]
Narrator: "Yes, the Space Station Colossus, a locale of dubious reputation. That and - questionable legality..."
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
Robot: (almost whining) : "But I don't wanna get smeltered down/have my parts sold for scrap on the galactic black-market."
Razor Ecg: "It's like I said earlier, quit worrying! If you just stick with me, you'll probably end up . You'll be/do fine...just tell them, if anybody asks, that you're a robot bounty hunter."
Robot: "Really?"
Razor: "If you can convincingly act like one...then they'll probably give you some space."
Robot: "Phew, that's a relief."
*then, it realizes something about the suggestion that creates a new panic*
"Hey, wait a sec. How would one act?"
Razor Ecg: *tries to show the robot how to act kind of tough.*
Robot: "Oh, .
[The 4Leaf Clover completes landing in the docking bay].
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
[W/the corresponding sorts of science-fiction sound-effects to go along with it for that, of course].
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
Razor: " robot, to be a more-convincing looking 'bounty hunter,' how's this?"
*gives the robot a half cape/cloak (lengthwise)*
"If anybody asks, say that the 'tick marks' on your chest-piece are for every X# of your 'quarries', ?"
*gives the robot a typical looking laser-handgun.*
Robot: "..."
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 13, 2005
[Razor Ecg and his Robot, A32, from there go to head on to the barport]
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
Thorn Posted Nov 14, 2005
Razor: "Bartender, can you get me a - & have it please be on the rocks, shaken...but not 'vaporized' mind you."
A32: "I'll have a mug of oil, if they've got that."
Key: Complain about this post
Off-shoot: The asteroid field of BETA
- 61: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 62: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 63: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 64: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 11, 2005)
- 65: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 66: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 67: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 68: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 11, 2005)
- 69: Thorn (Nov 11, 2005)
- 70: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 71: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 72: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 73: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 74: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 75: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 76: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 77: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 78: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 79: Thorn (Nov 13, 2005)
- 80: Thorn (Nov 14, 2005)
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