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Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 21



Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 22

Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches

The first one is right!! The second one - it is impossible to have half a hole. A hole is a hole! The third one - the dog can only run half-way into the wood as any further and it would be running out! smiley - smiley

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 23


Hehe, very good. smiley - smiley

As to my Gimly's explanation of my doors conundrum... that's a pretty good way to explain it. And probably right.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 24

Da Boss

The hiccups question was easy (but I said it it was) however here's another one:

What gets bigger, the more you take away from it?

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 25


I think I know the answer but instead I'll suggest a similar question: what gets wetter the more it dries?

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 26



Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 27


Okay, here's a really good one (I'd love to take credit for it but I can't because it's from "Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions" by Martin Gardner):

Ten weary, footsore travellers,
All in a woeful plight,
Sought shelter at a wayside inn
One dark and stormy night.

"Nine rooms, no more" the landlord said
"Have I to offer you.
To each of eight a single bed,
But the ninth must serve for two."

A din arose. The troubled host
Could only scratch his head,
For of those tired men no two
Would occupy one bed.

The puzzled host was soon at ease -
He was a clever man -
And so to please his guests devised
This most ingenious plan.

In a room marked A two men were placed,
The third was lodged in B,
The fourth to C was then assigned,
The fifth retired to D.

In E the sixth he tucked away,
In F the seventh man,
The eight and ninth in G and H,
And then to A he ran,

Wherein the host, as I have said,
Had laid two travellers by;
Then taking one - the tenth and last -
He lodged him safe in I.

More fun puzzles to come - provided you can solve that one smiley - smiley...

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 28


oh, boy what have i done to myself. I shall be sleepless for days thinking of this.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 29


Wait a minute. The tenth man is also one of the men in room a. He was one of the first two. So there actually aren't 10 travelers?


Post 30


Did someone sleep on the floor. Maybe a couch. What the hell. I'm discombobulated.

about the bar joke

Post 31


Simple. The man had the hiccups, and the bartender scared him with the gun so he'd lose them.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 32


A hole gets bigger the more you take away from it, and Ice gets wetter the more it dries.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 33


For a really confusing concept that's kept me awake many nights, check my page at:
http://www.h2g2.com/P67114 and tell me what you think.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 34


No no no.... a *towel* gets wetter the more it dries. Think about it smiley - smiley.

As for the ten men in nine rooms... yeah, the second man is counted also as the tenth. But can you put the answer in rhyme?

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 35


Here is an old one.
A man is looking at a picture of someone and says:
"Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son."
The question is who is in the picture (& why).

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 36

Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches

Is it his son because this man (the son)'s father would be the man talking. And the man talking is his father's son naturally.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 37


Hmmm... Too easy obviously smiley - winkeye
I think I need to come up with a less-logical more-cryptic question.

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 38

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Heres one:

There is a huge big plane crash, exactly between the borders of two countries. Exactly between. To the atom exactly.
Where do you bury the survivors?

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 39


You do not bury SURVIVORS... hehehe
Here's a good site for all this sort of thing www.pressanykey.com or www.bored.com lots of amusing things to keep y'all busy smiley - smiley

A man is 5'10 and he works in a butcher shop. What does he weigh?

(hope you get this one)

Check out my page 'Confusion'...

Post 40

Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches

Meat?smiley - smiley

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