NOT ALL THOSE WHO WANDER ARE LOST (tolkien) we have static, houston.
VIVA ZAPHODA!!! A thumb out in memory of Douglas Adams, the ultimate hitchhiker.Be Welcome
Burst through the Gate I'm also a self-proclaimed Zaphodista and former hostage of the "Mode****rs". I panic easily. Well, not that easily, but I really want the Don't Panic button back. It's a signature, the embossed cover of the book, the namesake of this cite. If you do as well, I recommend joining the Zaphodista Army of Cybernautical Liberation and Taleisin's BBC Restraint Sing-a-long As far as I'm concerned I believe that common language, (in any language) and self policing should be reinstated in our community, and continued as it was prior to the beebs arrival. Other than that, I'm just a chic with a lot of unrequited something or others. We shall see. Oh, yes and i love RADIOHEAD.
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Pens. | Dec 27, 2002 |
I SAW IT I SAW IT !!!! | Nov 10, 2001 |
Deep roots are not touched by the frost-Tolkien | Sep 1, 2001 |
Happy Birthday | Jul 17, 2001 |
arrrgh censor-fester | May 13, 2001 |
Researcher U36314
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."